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Mutual Recognition Agreement Between Canada, Australia, and New Zealand

Canada, Australia, and New Zealand signed a mutual recognition arrangement (MRA) that allows for fast-track cross-border registrations of senior architects between the three countries.

The MRA has come about as a result of participation by Canada, Australia, and New Zealand in the Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) Architect Project. All three countries maintain an APEC Architect Register of senior architects who have met a number of criteria including having at least seven years of senior experience.

As a result of the MRA, an APEC Architect in Australia or New Zealand is entitled to registration in Canada as of right, apart from being assessed about any aspects of the architectural process in Canada that is specific to Canada. The same applies for a Canadian APEC Architect applying for registration in Australia or New Zealand.

Please see the attached CALA Bulletin for more information. Further details on the application process will be posted when available.


Office of the Registrar
416.449.6898 Ext: 285 or 297



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