Important reference material and services every OAA member should have at their fingertips, from core documents and contracts to the free help hotline and the Practice Advisory Knowledge Base.
The OAA’s Practice Advisory Knowledge Base is a search tool and a one-stop source of resources, information, and tools including OAA Practice Tips and Regulatory Notices as well as peer advice and commentary.
Serving and supporting OAA members is the focus of the Practice Hotline. It also provides building officials, clients, lawyers, and others with support relating to the practice of architecture.
Important reference documents architects should have at their fingertips, including the Canadian Handbook of Practice (CHOP) and the Mastering the Business of Architecture (MBA).
The OAA Practice Consultation program is designed to support Ontario’s architects by encouraging and supporting the use of good practices.
The services provided to a client are rendered most effectively when a clear understanding of the work to be done or not done exists between the client and the OAA member, and is incorporated into a written contractual agreement.