The Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) Syllabus program is an alternative path to a professional degree in architecture. It provides access to individuals who are unable to attend an accredited university in Canada.
As a direct, self-paced work-study program, the Syllabus integrates academic studies, design studios, and practical experience, which leads to the RAIC Professional Diploma in Architecture (Dipl. Arch.).
Those enrolled in the RAIC Syllabus program are eligible to apply for Student Associate status with the OAA.
Only architectural experience gained while enrolled in the Syllabus program and while enrolled as an OAA Student Associate is eligible for credit in Ontario. Students in the program may accumulate all of the required 3,720 hours of architectural experience gained after enrolment in Part 2 of the program in order to satisfy the experience requirements of the Internship in Architecture Program (IAP).
On graduation from the RAIC Syllabus program, students must obtain an assessment of academic qualifications from the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB). After receiving CACB certification, individuals can apply to become Intern Architects with the OAA and complete the additional requirements for licensure as an architect in Ontario.
More information on the RAIC Syllabus program can be found at