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OAA’s Regulatory Role

The OAA has several objectives arising from its statutory responsibilities under the Architects Act.

Regulate the practice of architecture in order that the public interest may be served and protected

The Association’s principal objective is to protect users and potential users of professional architecture services by governing its members, including holders of certificates of practice (CoPs) and temporary licences, so the public can be confident OAA members are appropriately qualified and meet the requirements at law to practise architecture.

Support through regulation

The OAA maintains and publicly demonstrates the status of its members as competent, qualified professionals, and also regulates use of the titles “Architect” and "Licensed Technologist." It works to raise awareness of the Architects Act, Regulations, and OAA Bylaws and the need for ongoing professional competence.

As a self-regulated professional organization, the OAA is authorized by the Government of Ontario, under Provincial statute to establish, monitor, and enforce standards of practice and performance for its members and practices. For the purpose of carrying out its principal mandate, the Association has the additional responsibilities that include:

  • establishing, maintaining, and developing standards of knowledge, skill, and professional ethics among its members;
  • establishing and enforcing standards for registration and licensure with the OAA;
  • requiring and administering mandatory continuing professional education;
  • providing Practice Advisory Services for OAA members as well as clients and the public;
  • investigating complaints about OAA members and practices;
  • enforcing the competency, ethical, and other professional standards expected of those regulated by the OAA;
  • addressing and enforcing against illegal or unauthorized practice; and
  • assisting in the establishment and maintenance of classes, schools, exhibitions, or lectures in, and to promote public appreciation of, the profession of architecture.

In addition, the OAA provides a range of regulatory and outreach programs and services to the public and other stakeholders. To help fulfil its public interest obligation, the Association engages with other regulators, local and provincial governments, and national and international architectural organizations on matters of professional practice, labour mobility, and regulatory best practices.

Guided by its five-year strategic plan, the OAA works closely with its members and stakeholders to develop and maintain a high level of skill, knowledge, and professionalism that, in turn, enriches public life by creating a sustainable, quality-built environment that is a source of pride and collective identity within the profession of architecture.

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