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Sponsorship & Advertising

The OAA offers marketing opportunities to better reach members of Ontario's architectural profession. Review the possibilities below to better assess which best align with your aims.

Please note that the biweekly e-newsletter, OAA News, and email communications are for Association information only. Advertising opportunities are not available for these vehicles.


Public Awareness Funding

Under its five-year strategic plan, the OAA has identified public education as a key pillar with the goal to advance the public’s understanding and recognition that architecture is integral to the quality of life and well-being of our society.

The OAA offers Public Awareness Funding in amounts from $500 to $10,000 to applicants working to expand an awareness of the value of architecture in their communities. OAA funds are provided with minimal prescriptions with the trust that community groups know best how to engage and serve their communities.

Funds are released semi-annually, with the 2025 submission deadlines set as Monday, March 17 and Monday, September 15.

Learn more about the program and complete the submission form here.


There are numerous sponsorship opportunities available for the annual OAA Conference held in May each year. This is a chance to support the profession and take advantage of exclusive high-profile, face-to-face interaction with members during the days of the event. It is held in Toronto on "even" years (2022, 2024, 2026) and in other locations on “odd” years (2021, 2023, 2025).


Event Listing

If you have an event that you would like to advertise to architects and is related to the business or practice architecture, please send your event information to Tamara King, Administrator, Website & Communications, at

Please provide the pertinent information (title, date, time, location, description, benefit, cost, host, sponsors) as well as a link, or contact, for more information. Examples of events include: tradeshows, conferences, lectures, exhibitions, book/film launches, and tours. The OAA will assess the information submitted; postings are accepted at the discretion of the Association.

ConEd Opportunities

While the Ontario Association of Architects does not endorse or accredit Continuing Education (ConEd) providers, it offers website posting opportunities for educational programs/events on the ConEd Opportunities page. If your organization is offering learning opportunities related to the business or practice of architecture and you would like to promote it to members and others with OAA status, this is an excellent opportunity to spread the word. See the links below for more information.

ConEd Program Opportunities Posting Guidelines.pdf

Education Providers

Job Signs

Job Signs are a great way to increase your practice's visibility. Proudly identify yourself as part of the profession and help to increase awareness of architects and architecture within your community.


Signs can be ordered mounted (on sintra: high density plastic backing) or unmounted. Consider a broader use for unmounted signs (peel and stick laminated output): apply directly to windows, hoarding, or your own choice of backing.

You have the option to order a custom size sign to meet your specific needs. Consider using the available space to promote your services or expertise.

Related Links

BLOAAG banner


Check out the OAA BLOAAg, an inclusive space for member engagement and OAA features.

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Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our online form.

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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.