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Protecting the Public Interest

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OAA's Regulatory Role

The OAA has several objectives arising from its statutory responsibilities under the Architects Act. Learn more here about its role.

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The Architects Act & OAA Bylaws

The OAA is enabled by the Government of Ontario, under provincial statute, to regulate the profession of architecture in the province, with a mandate to protect the public.

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Code of Ethics

The Code of Ethics is an aspirational document against which architects can check themselves in the course of their practice. 

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The Public Interest

The OAA’s mandate is to protect and serve the “public interest.” But what does that really mean?

Act Enforcement

Among its tasks, the OAA ensures projects requiring an architect have one, services are only provided through a CoP, and only those it licenses hold the designation “architect” in Ontario.

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As the regulator of the practice of architecture in Ontario, the OAA handles complaints regarding the professional conduct or actions of its members.

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The Discipline Committee hears allegations of professional misconduct against OAA members, holders of a Certificate of Practice, or holders of a Temporary Licence.

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Registrar's Investigations

In specific circumstances, the Registrar can initiate an investigation into a member's professional misconduct or incompetence.

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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.