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Student Technologist

A student enrolled in a three-year architectural technology program may apply to become a Student Technologist in the OAA Technology Program. There is no cost to becoming a Student Technologist and there are several benefits, including the ability to log experience hours gained during co-op and increased engagement with the OAA.

Eligibility Requirements

An individual must:

  • be enrolled in a three-year architectural technology program of instruction leading to an Ontario advanced diploma from a college of applied arts and technology or a three-year college architectural technology program accredited by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC); and
  • be a person of good character.

Ontario colleges with architectural technology programs include:

Centennial College (co-op);
George Brown College (co-op);
Humber College (co-op);
Algonquin College (co-op);
St. Clair College; Loyalist College;
Mohawk College (co-op);
Sheridan College (co-op);
Fanshawe College;
Georgian College (co-op); and
Durham College
Boréal College
Conestoga (co-op)
La Cite' (co-op)

Application Process

If you meet the eligibility requirements, you can submit a completed  Student Technologist application to the OAA using the following online form:

The approval process typically takes up to one week to complete. Once approved, Student Technologist status is valid until the end of the calendar year. The Student Technologist status must be renewed annually; otherwise, the status will become lapsed.

Experience Hours

Experience gained while holding Student Technologist status with the OAA and within a co-op program may be recorded for review and consideration, up to a maximum of 1,000 hours. Work placements must be in an eligible employment situation under the personal supervision and direction of a person authorized to practise architecture in the jurisdiction where the experience is being gained. Hours must be recorded in the Experience Record Book (ERB).

Student Technologists must have their academic institution complete the Declaration Form to confirm their academic status and acceptance in the co-op program.

To learn more about the path to becoming a Licensed Technologist, click here. 

Key Documents

Student Technologist Declaration Form
OTP Experience Record Book (Online ERB)
OTP Experience Record Book (PDF ERB)
Guide to the OAA Technology Program Experience Record Book
Guide to Occupancies
OTP Employment Confirmation Form
Becoming a Licensed Technologist via the OTP Infographic


Experience banner

Find Resources to complete and submit your Canadian Experience.

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Admission Course

Learn more about the online Admission Course.

Examination OTP banner

Ready to write your Examination? Learn how the knowledge of intern technologists are tested.

Canadian Experience Alternative banner
Practice of Architecture in Canada Course

If fewer than 940 hours of your experience is within Canada, complete ROAC modules prior to application for licence.

Ontario Practice Competency banner
Pre-Licence Self-Assessment

An outcomes-based self-assessment represents an efficient, accessible method to demonstrate Ontario practice knowledge.

Limited Licence bnaner
Limited Licence

Find out how to apply for a limited licence.



Administrator, OAA Technology Program
t: 416.449.6898

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