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Licensed Technologist

A Licensed Technologist is someone granted a limited licence by the OAA to practise architecture in accordance with the conditions and limitations established in the Ontario Regulation  27 (the regulations). As members of the OAA, they are bound by the Architects Act, the regulations thereunder, and the OAA Bylaws, and are expected to comply with the OAA's Code of Ethics and Council policies. All holders of a limited licence must maintain their membership in good standing and meet the OAA mandatory Continuing Education (ConEd) Program requirements.


The OAA confirms the competence of its Licensed Technologists through a rigorous process: to be eligible to apply to the OAA for a limited licence, individuals must meet the following requirements:

  • meeting the education requirement;
  • completing the OAA Technology Program (OTP) experience requirements;
  • passing the Licensed Technologist examinations;
  • completing the OAA-mandated courses;
  • completing an experience assessment; and
  • being a person of good character 

Upon referral, the Experience Requirements Committee (ERC) determines if a Licensed Technologist applicant has met the experience requirements prescribed by the regulations forming part of the eligibility requirements for the issuance of an OAA limited licence.

The OAA has a statutory obligation under the Architects Act to ensure those in the architecture profession meet the prescribed requirements. The OAA must consistently apply the requirements in accordance with Section 32 of the regulations to fulfil its statutory obligation. However, upon application for limited licence, requests for exemption from some of the legislated requirements may be considered by OAA Council.


Under the Architects Act, the words “member” and title “Licensed Technologist” are reserved for individuals in good standing who have been granted a limited licence under the Act—those applicants who meet the limited licence class for Licensed Technologist requirements for engaging in the practice of architecture in the province of Ontario.

The regulations under the Architects Act establish the practice scope for Licensed Technologists in Ontario. Services to the public within this scope must be offered through a certificate of practice (CoP) issued by the OAA. It is a condition of every CoP held by a limited licence holder, or under which a limited licence holder personally supervises and directs the practice of architecture, that the certificate is subject to the same terms, conditions, and limitations to which the limited licence is subject.

Licensed Technologists can vote at the OAA Annual General Meeting of Members (AGM), run for election to gain a voting seat on Council, volunteer on OAA Committees and Task Groups, gain special access to Association programming, and play a key role in training future Licensed Technologists. In addition to the various professional benefits, there are also other bonuses, including preferred rates for home and auto insurance.

Licensed Technologists who have reached the milestone of being licensed for 50 years with the Association can be appointed as Members of Long Standing by OAA Council. To learn more about the newest Members of Long Standing, visit the blOAAg.


Applications and Guidelines

First Application for Limited Licence and Guidelines

Once complete, submit your application and supporting documents to



Office of the Registrar
t: 416.449.6898 Ext: 285 or 297
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