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Registration Committee

Registration decisions are the result of hearings conducted by a panel comprising three OAA members of the Registration Committee. This independent statutory committee of the Ontario Association of Architects derives its authority from the Architects Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A.26, the Ontario Regulation 27, and the Statutory Powers Procedures Act.

The Registration Committee conducts formal hearings between the Registrar and applicants who wish to practise architecture in Ontario as licensed members of the OAA. Applicants who have received a Notice of Proposal to refuse the issue of a licence or limited licence and/or certificate of practice (CoP) from the Registrar may request a hearing by the Registration Committee.

The Registration Hearing Process

As set out in section 25 of the Architects Act, the registration hearing process is triggered when a Notice of Proposal is issued by the Registrar and the applicant files a request for a hearing before the Registration Committee.

Where the Registrar proposes:

(a) refusing an application for a licence, limited licence, CoP, or temporary licence;*
(b) suspending or revoking a CoP or temporary licence; or
(c) issuing a licence, limited licence, CoP, or temporary licence subject to terms, conditions, or limitations,**

the Registrar shall serve notice of the proposal, together with the written reasons, on the applicant. Such a notice states the applicant is entitled to a hearing by the Registration Committee if the applicant delivers, within 30 days after the notice is served, notice in writing of this requirement.

Any person considering a Registration Committee hearing should review the Registration Committee Manual for detailed information on the process.

* The Registrar is authorized to grant licences, limited licences, and certificates of practice only when all requirements have been met. The Registrar does not have the authority to exempt requirements outright.

**The Registrar can only offer to impose terms, conditions, and limitations on a licence or limited licence if the applicant has (a) met all the requirements, but (b) still believes that terms, conditions, and limitations are warranted.

Principles of Procedural Fairness

Since all administrative agencies, including the OAA, derive their power from the government via legislative enactment, their decisions are subject to review by a court by way of a process called “judicial review.”

The most basic requirement of administrative law is the duty to act fairly, which refers to the procedure followed in making a decision. This “duty of fairness,” also called “procedural fairness,” is a continuum of procedural requirements applicable to decision-making agencies, boards, commissions, and panels in varying degrees.

It is crucial the registration hearing be conducted in accordance with the principles of natural justice, including:

  • the right to be heard (the applicant must be informed of all the evidence against them and given an opportunity to challenge it); and
  • the right to a decision from an unbiased and impartial decision-maker (the test for bias is whether there is a reasonable apprehension of, rather than actual, bias—the decision should be based on the evidence and argument submitted, and the panel uninfluenced by outside factors).

Legislation governing professional registration embodies the rules of natural justice. The courts may enforce the rules by staying or overturning decisions of the Registration Committee where these rules are not followed.

Role of the Committee and Panel

It is important to recognize and preserve the distinction between the roles of the Registration Committee panel and the Registrar of the Association.

In a Registration Committee hearing, the Registrar is a party (like the applicant) and the panel must be impartial as between the two parties. It must not take on the role of prosecutor or appear to be collaborating with the OAA. This includes not only the lawyers acting for the Association, but also the staff at the Association who instruct those lawyers—panel members should never communicate with Association staff directly about a case, except for purely administrative purposes like canvassing, clearing conflicts, and other procedural matters. The courts will overturn a decision if the panel does not remain an impartial arbitrator, or appears to be biased against either the applicant or the Association.

The panel’s role is much like that of a panel of judges in a court of law. It has responsibility to control the proceedings and maintain order, but it must allow the prosecution and applicant representative (or applicant, if unrepresented) to present evidence and argue their cases. The panel may make rulings on such matters as the admissibility and relevance of evidence, and may question witnesses for clarification so long as it does not usurp the function of the prosecution and applicant representative.

The Registrar presents their case, calling witnesses and other evidence to make the case in support of their proposal. After the Registrar closes their case (i.e. calls all the evidence on which they want to rely), the applicant’s representative then has an opportunity to respond, calling its own witnesses and other evidence. The applicant bears the onus of satisfying the Registration Panel, on reasonable grounds, that they meet the requirements of the Act and the Regulations for the purpose of issuance of a licence or certificate of practice.

At a Registration Committee hearing, each of the parties may carry a “burden of proof” with respect to certain facts. This may mean that on some issues or facts, the applicant may be calling evidence the Registrar should have a chance to respond to with further evidence. Ideally, any such issues will have been anticipated by the parties and sorted out through an agreed process or at a pre-hearing conference.

Both parties should be given the opportunity to summarize their contentions, and make and respond to any arguments about points of law and procedure that arise.

Role of the Independent Legal Counsel (ILC)

Registration hearings are highly technical and adversarial proceedings; it is difficult to conduct them and manage competing lawyers given the high stakes. An independent legal counsel (ILC) is separate from both the OAA and the applicant representative, and provides neutral advice to the panel about legal issues.

ILCs help the panel navigate hearings by:

  • assisting at the pre-hearing conference;
  • providing advice during the hearing itself;
  • researching legal issues that arise; and
  • reviewing and commenting on the panel’s draft reasons.

There is nothing improper in an ILC giving non-binding advice on the ultimate issue for which the panel requests guidance. It is also good for the panel to seek the advice of its counsel as to how it might improve the quality of the reasons it has drafted so as to more effectively explain its decision. However, the final, actual decision belongs to the panel. (If an ILC provides advice to the panel, they will do so in the presence of both parties so the parties can provide comments on the advice before the panel makes its decision.)

Registration Hearing Procedure

This summary of process touches on some of the primary elements of a hearing. However, the Registration Committee panel, in conjunction with the OAA’s counsel and the applicant’s representative (or the applicant themselves), may agree to modify the procedure to a certain extent.

The term used to describe the individual or practice subject to the Registrar’s Proposal is “applicant.” Additionally, reference to the “applicant’s representative” is based on the assumption most applicants retain legal counsel to defend them. However, applicants may choose to represent themselves at a hearing. In some cases, individuals may choose not to attend, or may instruct legal counsel or agent to represent them in their absence. As long as the individual has been properly served with the Notice of Hearing, a hearing may proceed without the applicant’s attendance, with OAA’s counsel still required to present evidence in support of the Registrar’s Proposal.
A Notice of Hearing must be served by the Association on the applicant when a matter is forwarded to the Registration Committee. Reasonable notice is required to ensure the applicant can exercise the right to be heard and reply to the Registrar’s Proposal. Breach of the notice requirement can be a ground for overturning a decision.

It is important to note that not every hearing will proceed on an adversarial basis. In some cases, a joint submission may be made by the OAA and the applicant with respect to facts, admissions, and/or conditions. For example, the parties may agree on the essential facts and admissions, but may disagree on an appropriate condition(s). The panel is not obliged to accept a joint submission. It could accept the agreed facts and admissions, but request further submissions.

Whether a hearing proceeds as a contested hearing or by way of agreed statement of fact, the basic outline of process remains the same. Most importantly, the panel remains the sole decision-maker on matters.
The proceedings typically move through the following steps:

  1. Opening statements by the parties.
  2. Motions.
  3. Evidence.
  4. Submissions on law.
  5. Closing statements by the parties.
  6. Deliberations by panel.
  7. Decision.

At the outset of the hearing, the Chair of the panel convenes the hearing, identifies the parties, swears in the Court Reporter and any translator to record or translate the proceedings, and outlines the matter being considered. The OAA enters any agreed documentation or exhibits and any agreed statement of facts.

At the conclusion of the evidence for both parties, the panel is entitled to request any person, including a party, to provide evidence or to produce in evidence any documents or things specified by the panel relevant to the subject matter of the proceedings and admissible at the hearing. It is important the panel avail itself of this opportunity to obtain any clarification it believes is necessary. The panel then retires to determine if any party is to be called as an additional witness or any additional material is required.

Following this, if the applicant has not adduced any evidence, counsel to the Association will then present their submissions to the panel. If the applicant’s representative has called evidence, they will make submissions first with counsel to the Association being given a right to reply.

The panel will wish to advise the parties as to whether they should remain pending the decision or whether they will be advised in due course of the result. It then retires to consider, in camera, the evidence submitted and reconvenes once deliberation is complete. After the completion of its deliberations, the Chair will declare the hearing concluded.


Following upon a hearing in respect of a proposal by the Registrar, the Registration Committee may, by order,

(a) where the committee is of the opinion upon reasonable grounds that the applicant meets the requirements and qualifications of this Act and the regulations and will engage in the practice of architecture with competence and integrity, direct the Registrar to issue a licence, limited licence, CoP, or temporary licence, as the case may be, to the applicant;

(b) where the committee is of the opinion upon reasonable grounds that the applicant does not meet the requirements and qualifications of this Act and the regulations,

(i) direct the Registrar to refuse to issue a licence, limited licence, CoP, or temporary licence, or to revoke the certificate of practice issued to the applicant, as the case may be, or

(ii) where the committee is of the opinion upon reasonable grounds that the applicant will engage in the practice of architecture with competence and integrity, exempt the applicant from any of the requirements of this Act and the regulations and direct the Registrar to issue a licence, limited licence, CoP, or temporary licence, as the case may be; or

(c) where the committee is of the opinion upon reasonable grounds that it is necessary in order to ensure that the applicant will engage in the practice of architecture with competence and integrity,

(i) require the applicant to take and successfully complete such examinations as the Registration Committee may set or approve and to pay such fees therefor as the Registration Committee fixes,
(ii) require the applicant to take such additional training as the Registration Committee specifies, or

(iii) direct the Registrar to issue a licence, limited licence, CoP, or temporary licence, as the case may be, subject to such terms, conditions or limitations as the Registration Committee specifies. R.S.O. 1990, c. A.26, s. 25 (8).

Following the hearing, a “Decision and Order of the Registration Committee” document along with "Reasons for Decision" is sent to the applicant.

The panel can decide to announce the decision and make the associated order, but issue reasons later, or it can opt to announce its decision when the reasons are ready at some later date.

Where the panel directs the Registrar to carry out their proposal and refuse to issue a licence, limited licence, CoP, or temporary licence, the applicant may wish to exercise the right to appeal under Section 36 of the Architects Act.

Appeals of Registration Committee Decisions

In accordance with Section 36 of the Architects Act, R.S.O. 1990 a party who is dissatisfied with a Registration Committee decision has a statutory right of appeal to the Ontario Divisional Court. Appeals must be filed with the Divisional Court within 30 days of the date of the Registration Committee decision. The Ministry of the Attorney General’s Guide to Appeals in Divisional Court explains how to apply for an appeal in Divisional Court. A party may want to get legal advice before starting an appeal.


The Architects Act does not require privacy for hearings before the Registration Committee, which are therefore public (s. 9 of the Statutory Powers Procedure Act). Canadian case law and legislation deem that, barring a publication ban, a hearing can be viewed by the public. The OAA is mindful that it receives information that, in certain situations, must remain confidential These rules apply to every person engaged in the administration of the Architects Act. However, s. 43(1)(a) of the Architects Act permits the OAA to disclose information, that may be required, in connection with any Registration Committee hearings. Therefore, in order to transparently disclose the decision and deliberation of the Registration Committee, the OAA posts recent decisions wherein the registrar was ordered to issue a licence.

Virtual Hearings of the Registration Committee

  1. To protect the health and safety of all persons involved, all proceedings of the Registration Committee will be held virtually for the foreseeable future in accordance with the Hearings in Tribunal Proceedings (Temporary Measures) Act, 2020.
  2. All hearings before the Registration Committee will proceed remotely by videoconference on the Zoom platform (or equivalent).
  3. The Registration Committee’s remote hearings remain open to the public. A court reporter will record the evidence taken at the remote hearing.
  4. The parties and witnesses should observe etiquette and best practices appropriate to remote hearings, including that there shall be no communication with witnesses who are testifying by use of the chat function or any other means.
  5. No person may take or attempt to take a photograph, motion picture, audio recording or other record capable of producing visual or oral representations of the remote hearing by electronic means or otherwise.
  6. All documents in relation to Registration Committee proceedings are to be delivered and filed electronically only. The parties will be advised as to the procedure.
  7. Panels of the Registration Committee may provide additional or alternative directions.


2024 Hearing Schedule


Name of Parties

Date/Time of Hearing

Aaron Gowanlock and Ryan Baker v. the Registrar of the Ontario Association of Architects

June 17, 2024, 10:00 am

Clifford Smith and Adrian Worton v. the Registrar of the Ontario Association of Architects

May 8, 2024, 11:00 am

Kamil Wroblewski v. the Registrar of the Ontario Association of Architects

May 6, 2024, 11:00 am

Jeremiah Gammond v. the Registrar of the Ontario Association of Architects

April 30, 2024,11:30 am

Jason DeBrum and Christina Marinos v. the Registrar of the Ontario Association of Architects

April 17, 2024, at 9:30 am

Dana Seguin v. the Registrar of the Ontario Association of Architects

Feb. 5, 2024, 10:00 am


This schedule of the Registration Committee proceedings is provided for public information and is subject to change.

 Note: Any member of the public who would like to observe a Registration Committee hearing live should email the Registration Committee administrative staff at at least 24 hours prior to the scheduled hearing start time, providing their name, email address and phone number. Once a request to observe a hearing is received, administrative staff will provide the requestor with the information necessary to observe the hearing.

Please note that observers must remain on mute with their cameras off for the duration of the hearing. If an observer’s camera is turned on and/or they are unmuted at any point, the meeting host will turn off their camera and mute them. The meeting host has the ability to, and may, remove any observers who do not comply.


2024 Decisions and Reasons


The Registration Committee conducts open hearings. After hearing all the evidence, it renders a decision and provides the reasons/rationale to both the applicant and the Registrar. If the Registration Committee directs the Registrar to issue a licence and/or certificate of practice (CoP), the public register will be updated. This ensures all members of the public are informed and aware of the names of OAA licensees and holders. Note that if terms, conditions, and limitations are imposed upon the licence or CoP, this will also be posted on the public register.

The OAA provides access to the decisions and reasons of the Registration Committee below. If the reasons refer to highly personal or irrelevant information, the OAA will redact the references. Further, if the Registration Committee directs the Registrar to not issue a licence or CoP (s. 25(8)(b)(i) of the Act), the OAA will redact the applicant’s name. Otherwise, the full reasons will be made available so the public, future applicants, and licensees and holders can understand how the Registration Committee arrives at these significant decisions.

Name of Parties

 Order  Date of Decision

 Aaron Gowanlock and Ryan Baker

Decision and Reasons  July 5, 2024

 Clifford Smith and Adrian Worton

Decision and Reasons  July 5, 2024

 Kamil Wroblewski

Decision and Reasons  July 3, 2024

 Jeremiah Gammond

Decision and Reasons  July 4, 2024

 Jason DeBrum and Christina Marinos

Decision and Reasons  July 3, 2024

 Alfredo Cimini, Brandon Martin, Raymond McCarthy, and Vincent Pezzano

Decision and Reasons  February 29, 2024


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