Licence holders and limited licence holders who want to maintain their active status with the Association, but will not be practising architecture, can apply for “non-practising” status. This status allows members to continue to use their title in a restricted manner as explained below. It also conveys ongoing rights and responsibilities, such as the right to vote and the requirement for participation in the Continuing Education Program.
Amendments to Regulation 27 (the regulations) have introduced a new section recognizing this status and the associated fee remission. With this update, every holder of a licence or limited licence may be designated as “non-practising” if they meet the prescribed requirements. This involves submitting a completed form to the Office of the Registrar, as described below, stating that they are not engaged in the practice of architecture. Fee remission for those designated as non-practising is established in Schedule A of the Association Bylaws.
It is the condition that every OAA member designated as non-practising shall not engage in the practise of architecture, and this condition prevails over any other term, condition, or limitation to which the holder’s licence or limited licence is subject.
Those holding non-practising member status are not eligible to personally supervise and direct the practice of architecture for a certificate of practice.
Procedure for Requesting the Status
A holder of a licence or limited licence under the Architects Act who wishes to request non-practising status must submit a written request to the Office of the Registrar. This request should state that they are not engaged in the practice of architecture and explain the reason. The request must be completed using the Non-Practising Declaration Form (link coming soon!) and submitted along with any other required supporting documents or information.
Upon approval, the member’s non-practising status will be recorded in the Register of the Association.
Having the Status Revoked
The Registrar shall revoke a member’s non-practising status if the member:
gives to the Registrar notice in writing indicating the reason for the status no longer exists and the date on which the reason ceased to exist; and
pays any fees owing to the Association from the period during which they were designated as a non-practising member, as well as applicable fees specified by the Bylaws.
The Registrar shall confirm the revocation of the designation and the date of the revocation by written notice to the holder of the licence or limited licence.
The lifting of the condition imposed on the holder’s licence or limited licence associated with non-practising status does not affect the application of any other term, condition, or limitation to which the holder’s licence or limited licence is subject.
Any holder of a licence or limited licence designated as non-practising:
may not apply for a certificate of practice (CoP);
may not act as a Mentor under the Association’s Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) or OAA Technology Program (OTP);
may not act as a Supervising Architect under the IAP or as a Supervising Professional under the OTP;
may not be a member of the Practice Resource Committee or any Committee established under Section 9 of the Architects Act;
is qualified to vote in an election of members of the Council, but is not eligible for election to the Council;
may vote at the Annual General Meeting of the Members (AGM) of the Association;
may use the title of “Architect” or “Architecte” as an occupational designation if a licence holder, but must not use any term, title, addition, or description that will lead to the belief they may engage in the practice of architecture;
may use the title of “Licensed Technologist” or “Technologue Agréé” as an occupational designation if a limited licence holder, but must not use a term, title, addition, or description that will lead to the belief the person may engage in the practice of architecture;
will be subject to the following requirements under the Association’s program of Continuing Education for members:
total requirement for a reporting period will be 35 hours, all of which may be Unstructured Learning.