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Internship in Architecture Program (IAP)

The Internship in Architecture Program (IAP) is one of the the paths to licensure for an architect becoming licensed in Ontario. To learn more about the program, click here.

Path to Licensure

Experience Banner
Recording Your Experience

Find resources to complete and submit your Canadian Experience Record Book (CERB).

Writing the Examination

Ready to write your Examination? Learn how the knowledge of intern architects is tested.

Admission Course Banner
Taking the Admission Course

Learn more about the online Admission Course.

Canadian Experience Alternative Banner
Practice of Architecture in Canada Course

If fewer than 940 hours of your experience is within Canada, complete ROAC modules prior to application for licence.

Ontario Practice Competency Banner
Pre-Licence Self-Assessment

An outcomes-based self-assessment represents an efficient, accessible method to demonstrate Ontario practice knowledge.

Apply for Licence banner
Applying for Licence

Nearing the end of your IAP? Find out  what it means to become a licensed Architect.

Mentorship image
Find or Become a Mentor
Every Intern Architect completing the IAP is required to have both a supervising architect and a mentor in order to submit hours. The OAA's Mentor Directory (login required) to allow OAA Interns and Students to search for a compatible mentor. Learn more about how an OAA mentor acts as a professional advisor – or learn how to become one.
Find a Supervising Architect
Intern Architects and Student Associates must select a Supervising Architect who is willing to commit to supporting their professional growth and the requirements set out in the IAP.
Resources + Documents

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