Find a Practice
The OAA Directory lists Architects, Intern Architects, Retired and Life Members, Student Associates, Licensed Technologists, Intern Technologists, Student Technologists, and others affiliated with the Association.
If you’re looking to work with an Architect or Licensed Technologist, you need to find a practice. An OAA member must be a holder, or be employed by a holder, of a certificate of practice (CoP) with the Association to offer and/or provide architectural services to the public in Ontario. You can use this directory to find practices and search for more information, but the OAA cannot make recommendations.
Honorary Members
Elected by the OAA membership at the Annual General Meeting, an Honorary Member is a person who has given valuable and distinguished service to the architectural profession or has scrupulously upheld the objects of the Association. (OAA members can suggest an individual for Council’s nomination. Information is shared in January.)
To see a complete list of Honorary Members, click here.
Discipline History
This directory connects discipline decisions with OAA licensed members and practices. In 2019, Council moved to link discipline history with individuals and practices on the website to ensure the architecture profession can be seen as a leader in transparency, accountability, and good governance, and help fulfil the OAA’s mandate to serve and protect the general public interest.
You can also access regularly updated Registers of Discipline for OAA members and practices. Click the links below to access pdfs.
Register of Discipline: OAA Members
Register of Discipline: Practices
If you have any questions, you can contact the