The OAA Conference is coming to the nation's capital! The May 14–16 event takes place at the Westin Ottawa hotel. Building on previous Conference themes and sessions, the multi-day event will feature new conversations about how places shape people’s behavior, how an evolving built environment can effectively respond to and reflect societal changes, and how impacts at both local and global scales are converging. Bringing together architects and other thought leaders from across the province and beyond, the 2025 Conference programming will include urban revitalization, adaptive reuse, inclusive design, Reconciliation, the intersection of the built and natural environments, and the architecture profession’s ability to respond to new challenges and opportunities. There will be a special celebration for the jury-selected projects of the SHIFT2025 Challenge, along with the usual networking and socializing opportunities, local flavour, and the Sponsors’ Lounge (featuring the latest in building products, design/construction services and resources, and trusted experts). Of course, there will also be a full slate of educational sessions, from experiential learning in the field to classroom lectures. Check out the full Conference Program which includes the Continuing Education sessions, experiential learning opportunities, and special events details. Conference Registration is now available! Register before April 1 to take advantage of early bird pricing.
See the Schedule at a Glance or check out the full Conference program, which includes the Continuing Education sessions, experiential learning opportunities, and special events details in order to get ready for registration.
Meet our diverse, knowledgeable, and talented speakers who will be conducting sessions at the Conference. They will definitely be sure to inspire, captivate, educate and motivate you.
Conference Registration is now available! You can purchase the full three-day conference package or individual one-day packages. Early Bird pricing ends on April 1.
To support a range of accommodation and transportation needs, the OAA is partnering with Westin Ottawa, national airlines and VIA Rail, to provide delegates with discounts.
The OAA will be sponsoring three Intern Architects and one Intern Technologist to attend this year’s Conference in Ottawa. Email by Friday April 4. to be entered in the draw.
The OAA would like to support our generous sponsors for supporting the 2025 OAA Annual Conference. Through the generous investments of sponsors, the OAA can offer high-quality programming that offers great value—saving attendees approximately 15% of their registration costs!
The OAA Conference is an annual event, traditionally held in May. It has previously been held in Toronto in "even" years (e.g. 2018, 2022) and in other cities on "odd" years (e.g. 2019, 2023). For 2021, it was held online, with a Virtual Conference Week in May and other events throughout the year. The Conference program includes a variety of Continuing Education courses, tours, and special events. Members of Ontario's architecture profession attend the yearly Conference to help fulfil their Continuing Education requirements. It also serves as a networking opportunity to connect with colleagues and leaders in the design community. Conference events and seminars are also open to members of the public. If you are interested in learning more about the architectural profession and topics that affect the design community, be sure to attend.
There are numerous sponsorship opportunities available for the OAA's Annual Conference. This is an opportunity to support the profession and take advantage of face-to-face interaction with members.
Check out our future Conference dates and locations so you can plan ahead.
Our Conference Archive shows past programs and highlights so you can have an idea of what OAA Conferences have to offer and reference past resources.
Conference Information t. 416.449.6898 ext. 777 e.