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Climate Action

The climate change emergency's far-reaching effects have positioned it as one of the defining global challenges today.

The construction and operation of the built environment has substantial impact on greenhouse gas emissions, so having an educated, skilled architecture profession able to design the built environment, including dwellings and communities, that is resilient and sustainable is paramount for the public interest. The architecture profession is ideally suited to provide new, thoughtful solutions. As its regulator, the OAA maintains a focus in its programming and framework to ensure members have the education and resources needed to incorporate climate-stable design approaches in both new construction and renovation. It also partners with other industry stakeholders to strengthen code requirements and to raise public awareness about architecture’s role in lowering environmental impacts.

"Climate Action" has been identified as a theme of the OAA as part of its five-year strategic plan. To learn more about the plan, as well as other themes, priorities, and goals, visit the Vision, Mandate and Strategic Plan page.

In January 2022, OAA Council approved a new requirement for the mandatory 2022–2024 Continuing Education cycle. All OAA members must complete a minimum of two structured learning hours focused on Climate Action. This requirement is also in place for the 2024–2026 cycle. To learn more, click here.


Vision, Mandate & Strategic Plan

Scholarships Related to Climate Action

Continuing Education

     ConEd Climate Action Requirement

What OAA Licensed Members Do

The Public Interest


Sara Trotta, Manager, Policy and Government Relations


t: 416.449.6898 Ext. 275



OAA Landscape Design Competition banner
Landscape Design Competition
The OAA has announced a winner, as well as three honourable mentions. All 19 submissions to the Landscape Design Competition are available online for you to explore, as well as the Project Brief and Jury Report! More news to come as work gets underway...
Climate Action Case Studies banner
Climate Action Case Studies
Climate Action Case Studies are a collection of work submitted by OAA members, demonstrating how the architecture profession can build better and advance climate action. Do you have any projects that are exemplary models in climate performance or showcase how the architecture profession can build better? If so, please submit a case study for consideration.

TEUI Banner with green roof
Total Energy Use Intensity (TEUI) Calculators

The OAA offers a suite of free online tools that enable the profession and the public alike to measure the Total Energy Use Intensity (TEUI) of a building.


Sustainable Articles

See current articles related to Sustainability and the impact of Climate change.

Tools & Resources
Tools & Resources

Sustainable Design resources and tools for members and the general public.

Funding Support

A number of incentives, grants, and subsidies are available to support climate action initiatives in the architecture profession.

OAA HQ Renew + Refresh 
The OAA Headquarters Renew + Refresh project is a success story that shows how existing buildings can be adapted to meet climate resilient targets rather than being demolished and replaced.
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News articles, many from third-party sources, that relate to climate action.

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Events from both the OAA and other organizers that touch on issues related to climate action.

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Current ConEd sessions related to climate action.

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Check out the OAA BLOAAg, an inclusive space for member engagement and OAA features.

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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.

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Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our online form.