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Intern Technologist

The Intern Technologist designation reflects enrolment in the OAA Technology Program (OTP)—a provincial program that provides a pathway for Intern Technologists to become limited licence holders as Licensed Technologists. The OAA has a statutory obligation to set and maintain standards of education, experience, and examination for entry to the profession of architecture that, for limited licences, are encapsulated in the Architects Act, the regulation thereunder, and the OAA Technology Program (OTP).

Intern Technologists have an advanced diploma from a college of applied arts and technology for a three-year architectural technology program, and must work under the personal supervision and direction of an Architect or Licensed Technologist in either an architectural practice or other eligible architectural employment situation. To achieve limited licence in Ontario, a person must demonstrate competency and qualification to provide architectural services to the public relative to their prescribed scope of practice.

The OTP is also intended as a catalyst for improving the profession by increasing effective communication between supervisors and prospective members of the profession.

Eligibility Requirements

An individual must:

  • have graduated from a three-year architectural technology program of instruction leading to an Ontario advanced diploma from a college of applied arts and technology, or a three-year college architectural technology program accredited by Technology Accreditation Canada (TAC);
  •  be a person of good character;
  • submit a completed online application; and
  • pay the required fee.

Key Documents

OTP Experience Record Book (Online ERB)

OTP Experience Record Book (PDF ERB)

Guide to the OAA Technology Program Experience Record Book

Guide to Occupancies

Intern Technologist Application Form 

OTP Employment Confirmation Form

OTP Mentor Confirmation Form

Becoming a Licensed Technologist via the OTP Infographic



Recording Your Experience

Find Resources to complete and submit your Canadian Experience.

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Admission Course

Learn more about the online Admission Course.

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Ready to write your Examination? Learn how the knowledge of intern technologists are tested.

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Practice of Architecture in Canada Course

If fewer than 940 hours of your experience is within Canada, complete ROAC modules prior to application for licence.

Ontario Practice Competency
Pre-Licence Self-Assessment

An outcomes-based self-assessment represents an efficient, accessible method to demonstrate Ontario practice knowledge.

Limited Licence
Applying for a Limited Licence

Find out how to apply for a limited licence.

Find or Become a Mentor

Mentor Directory bannner
Find a Mentor
Every Intern Technologist completing the OTP is required to have both a supervising professional and a mentor in order to submit hours. The OAA has a Mentor Directory (login required) to allow OAA Interns to search for a compatible mentor.
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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.

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