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Intern Architect

The Intern Architect designation reflects enrolment in the Internship in Architecture Program (IAP)—a national program that provides a pathway for Intern Architects to become licensed as Architects. (You can learn more about becoming an Architect via this program in this infographic.) The Regulatory Organization of Architecture in Canada (ROAC, formerly CALA) in each province and territory have statutory obligations to set and maintain standards of education, experience, and examination for entry to the profession of architecture, with the OAA overseeing the IAP in Ontario.

Intern Architects have a professional degree in architecture and must work under the personal supervision and direction of an Architect, in either an architectural practice or other eligible architectural employment situation. To become licensed in Ontario, a person must demonstrate competency and qualification to provide architectural services to the public. The IAP is also intended as a catalyst for improving the profession, by increasing effective communication between Architects and prospective members of the profession. All IAP participants should familiarize themselves with the standards embodied in the Canadian Standard of Competency for Architects, which establishes consistent criteria that licence candidates must meet regardless of their chosen path to licensure.


An individual must:

  • have graduated with a professional degree/diploma in architecture from a post-secondary institution, or have successfully completed the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) Syllabus Program;
  • have received certification of academic qualification from the Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB);
  • be a person of good character;
  • submit a completed online application; and
  • pay the required fee.


Key Documents

Refer to important documents below for more information:

Canadian Experience Record Book (CERB)
Mentor Confirmation Form
Employment Confirmation Form


Use of Intern Architect Designation

The Architects Act governs the practice of architecture in Ontario, and its Regulation 27 (the regulations) further elaborates on the provisions established in the Act. Section 24 of the regulations define “prescribed classes of persons whose interest are related to those of the Association.” One such class of person is the Intern Architect, which is defined as follows:

26. (1) Intern architects are persons who are of good character, have paid the annual fees prescribed by the bylaws, have complied with the academic requirements specified in the regulations for the issuance of a licence, and are appointed as intern architects by the Registrar. 
(2) An intern architect is entitled to receive general information issued by the Association and to attend the annual and general meetings of the members of the Association, but is not entitled to vote at such a meeting.  
(3) Intern architect status is valid for one year.

In accordance with the above, an individual must be appointed an Intern Architect by the Registrar after meeting the eligibility requirements.  

The OAA further provides guidance on the use of the designation for those appointed Intern Architects.

Requirements for Licensure

Experience banner
Recording Your Experience

Find resources to complete and submit your Canadian Experience Record Book (CERB).

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Writing the Examination

Ready to write your Examination? Learn how the knowledge of intern architects is tested.

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Taking the Admission Course

Learn more about the online Admission Course.

Canadian Experience Alternative Banner
Practice of Architecture in Canada Course

If fewer than 940 hours of your experience is within Canada, complete ROAC modules prior to application for licence.

Ontario Practice Competency Banner
Pre-Licence Self-Assessment

An outcomes-based self-assessment represents an efficient, accessible method to demonstrate Ontario practice knowledge.

Applying for Licence

Nearing the end of your IAP? Find out  what it means to become a licensed Architect.

Find or Become a Mentor

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Find a Mentor
Every Intern Architect completing the IAP is required to have both a supervising architect and a mentor in order to submit hours. The OAA has a Mentor Directory (login required) to allow OAA Interns and Students to search for a compatible mentor.


Check out our latest news and insights gathered from various cited sources, including—but not limited to—the OAA.


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Meet The OAA 

On October 12, 2023, the OAA Interns Committee and Comprehensive Education Committee co-hosted the third Meet the OAA event over Zoom, helping introduce the Association (and its role as regulator of Ontario’s architecture profession) to students, while also sharing more information about the path to licensure in the province. It is available below for on-demand viewing.


Lashmi Ollivierre, Administrator, Internship in Architecture Program (IAP)
t: 416.449.6898 Ext.204


Becoming an Architect via the IAP Infographic

From "Intern Architect to Architect"

Information for Intern Architects

Use of the title "Intern Architect"

Guide to Occupancies

Canadian Standard of Competency for Architects

February 2024 Regulatory Notice: Synopsis of Changes to Licence Requirements


FAQs: Path to Licensure

Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB)

For entry into the architecture profession, CACB provides an assessment of educational qualifications of individuals holding professional degrees or diplomas in architecture.


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Events Calendar

Check out our events calendar for a wide array of online and in-person events. Also submit an event using our online form.

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Check out the OAA BLOAAg, an inclusive space for member engagement and OAA features.

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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.