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Government Relations

The OAA actively monitors government activities at municipal, provincial, and federal levels, responding as needed through formal letters and other channels. Continually updated, this searchable portal houses these official correspondences, as well as related reports.

Level of Government / Organization

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes. The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process. 

Publish Date: 2024/DEC/16

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes. The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process. 

Publish Date: 2024/JUL/25

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes. The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process. 

Publish Date: 2024/APR/26

Ontario is participating in a Joint Task Group to investigate provisions to allow expanded use of EMTC. British Columbia and Quebec are leading an initiative where one or more provinces amend their building codes with the same code provisions in advance of the National Construction Codes. Unlike the established Code harmonization process that Ontario has committed to, where the National Construction Codes change first and provincial codes follow, provinces that amend their codes with these proposed changes would be aligned with each other, with the expectation that the National Construction Codes will adopt the same changes in the future. No decisions have been finalized about whether Ontario will adopt changes based on these proposals.

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes. The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process. 

Publish Date: 2024/FEB/15

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes. The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process. 

Publish Date: 2023/DEC/18

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes.  The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process.

Publish Date: 2023/JUN/12

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes.  The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process.

Publish Date: 2023/APR/27

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Canadian Board for Harmonized Construction Codes (CBHCC), in response to the ongoing consultation on harmonization of the Ontario Building Code with the National Codes.  The OAA remains steadfast in its position that energy efficiency should remain a key piece of the harmonization process.

Publish Date: 2023/MAR/30

On February 17, 2023, the OAA submitted selective comments in response to Canada Standards Association's (CSA) Public Review of CSA Z252 Volumetric Modular Construction - Guide to Compliance and Approval Processes (New Standard). The submission leveraged the experience of the OAA members, as well as providing additional clarity regarding roles and responsibilities of different stakeholders involved in this type of project.

This new proposed Guide focuses on the inspections and approvals processes followed by the authorities having jurisdiction (AHJs) that evaluates the compliance of the modular building for construction and occupancy. These guidelines are intended for construction and inspection of partially or fully enclosed permanent modular buildings of any size and occupancy. The guide serves as a supplement to CSA A277 Procedures for Factory Certification of Buildings and CSA Z250 Process for Delivery of Volumetric Modular Buildings.

OAA members were also encouraged to respond to the proposed public review through the OAA News (January 20 edition) as well as the Facebook social media platform on February 7, 2023. 

Publish Date: 2023/FEB/17

OAA President, Susan Speigel, writes to Kevin Griffiths, Chair of Canadian Commission on Building and Fire Code Designations to submit the Association's feedback on proposed changes to the 2020 National Model Codes regarding energy efficiency. 

Publish Date: 2022/DEC/16

On April 22, 2022, the OAA submitted selective comments in response to Canadian Standards Association’s (CSA) Public Review of CSA Standard B-651 (New Edition), focusing on key changes highlighted by CSA as well as suggesting a review of accessibility provisions relating to electric vehicle charging stations.

OAA members were also encouraged to respond to the proposed public review through the OAA News (editions of March 17 and April 14) as well as the Practice Advisory E-newsletter published on March 25, 2022.

Publish Date: 2022/APR/22

On April 11, 2022, the OAA submitted comments in response to Canadian Standards Association’s (CSA) Public Review of Z8004, Operation and Infection Prevention and Control of Long-term Care Homes (New Standard). The Association’s comments were focused on Section 8, Design, and Section 9, LTCH Building Systems. The OAA is generally supportive of the new standard, and given the aspirational nature of it, the Association may also follow up with the Ministry of Long-term Care to recommend that Ontario’s Design Standards for LTC homes should align with the standard, and that, if undertaken, there will be budgeting and planning considerations for the Ministry. 

OAA members were also encouraged to respond to the public review of this new standard through the March 17, 2022 edition of OAA News as well as the Practice Advisory E-newsletter published on March 25, 2022. 

Publish Date: 2022/APR/11

OAA President, Susan Speigel, writes to the Hon. Anita Anand, Minister of Public Service and Procurement Canada, to express the OAA's support for the preservation of the Alexandra Bridge.

Publish Date: 2021/AUG/13

The OAA responded to PSPC’s RFI for Design-Build Standing Offers for Office Fit-up Projects (Solicitation EP008-210016/A).  PSPC was seeking feedback from the industry. The federal department is contemplating the establishment of a design-build standing offers for office fit-up projects in the National Capital Region, with cross-Canada potential.

Publish Date: 2020/JUL/15

OAA President, Kathleen Kurtin, writes to the Hon. Catherine McKenna, federal Minister of Infrastructure and Communities, to offer recommendations to address the current pandemic and future climate stability.

Publish Date: 2020/APR/22

CDAO Chair, Sandro Perruzza, writes to the Hon. Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance, to call for legislated relief in construction project contracts.

PDF: minister_phillips_-_may_20_2020.pdf

Publish Date: 2020/APR/22

CDAO Chair, Sandro Perruzza, writes to the Hon. Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance, to offer recommendations as part of the province's post COVID-19 economic recovery plan.

Publish Date: 2020/APR/22

CDAO Chair, Sandro Perruzza, writes to the Hon. Rod Phillips, Minister of Finance, the further expand on the previously issued recommendations as part of the province's post COVID-19 economic recovery plan.

PDF: minister_phillips_-_may_20_2020.pdf

Publish Date: 2020/APR/22

Following joint interest from the OAA and PSPC in expanding the QBS pilot, the OAA participates in a meeting with PSPC Ontario Region to discuss the benefits of QBS and possible next steps.

Publish Date: 2019/JAN/17

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