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OAA Responds to Review of New CSA Long-Term Care Homes Standard (Z8004)

On April 11, 2022, the OAA submitted comments in response to Canadian Standards Association’s (CSA) Public Review of Z8004, Operation and Infection Prevention and Control of Long-term Care Homes (New Standard). The Association’s comments were focused on Section 8, Design, and Section 9, LTCH Building Systems. The OAA is generally supportive of the new standard, and given the aspirational nature of it, the Association may also follow up with the Ministry of Long-term Care to recommend that Ontario’s Design Standards for LTC homes should align with the standard, and that, if undertaken, there will be budgeting and planning considerations for the Ministry. 

OAA members were also encouraged to respond to the public review of this new standard through the March 17, 2022 edition of OAA News as well as the Practice Advisory E-newsletter published on March 25, 2022. 

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