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ConEd Program FAQ

Below are some frequently asked questions about the Continuing Education (ConEd) Program.

Current Continuing Education Cycle

When is the deadline to complete the 2024-2026 cycle?
The current Continuing Education Cycle runs from July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026. All learning activities must be reported in one’s OAA transcript by that date. The OAA strongly recommends members complete their transcripts well in advance of June 30, 2026 in order to ensure time for any technical issues or responses to enquiries.

Something has impacted my ability to fulfil my Continuing Education responsibilities. What are my options?
OAA Council has adopted a policy that a leave of absence from membership requirements, including Continuing Education, may be granted for medical, maternity, or parental leave or on compassionate or other specified grounds. Relief under this policy may be granted a maximum of three times within a 10-year period. Click here to read the policy.

Why is the OAA making it a requirement to learn about Climate Action?

Established as a priority for the OAA in 2020, and reconfirmed this year as a theme for its five-year Strategic Plan, Climate Action is a lens through which the OAA examines its work of regulating the practice of architecture. The Association maintains a focus in its programming and framework to provide members the education opportunities and resources to incorporate design approaches that address the climate emergency in both new construction and renovation. Having a well-informed profession able to design a resilient, sustainable built environment, including dwellings and communities, is paramount for the public interest. OAA Council approved this requirement for the 2022-2024 Cycle in January of 2022. You can learn more about it here. It continues for the 2024–2026 Cycle.

Which sessions are eligible for Climate Action?
Members can seek out their own learning opportunities or select from related sessions included in the OAA Continuing Education Webinar Series. To be eligible, the sessions must focus on topics including, but not limited to:
• adaptive reuse;
• deep-energy retrofits;
• embodied carbon;
• energy modelling;
• energy step codes (e.g. Toronto Green Standard)
• high-efficiency wall assemblies;
• life cycle analysis (LCA);
• local materials and supply chains;
• low-carbon design;
• material reuse strategies
• operational and embodied carbon (and offsets);
• Passive House;
• regenerative design;
• resiliency;
• sustainability metrics (e.g. TEUI, TEDI, and GHGI);
• sustainable design; and
• zero emissions design.

How do I include hours as “Climate Action” on my transcript?

Learning activities that are eligible for the “Climate Action” requirement should be reported as Structured Learning, under the sub-category “Climate.” The subcategory is listed in the drop-down box of the transcript. For the current cycle, the system will not allow you to finalize the ConEd hours until the mandatory 2.0 hours for Climate Action is completed before the June 30, 2024 deadline. 

ConEd Screenshot

What if I have enough Structured Learning and add more? Does it carry over into the next cycle?
Adding extra Structured hours beyond the required amount will first go to cover your Unstructured hours (but not vice versa). Once both categories are completed, any surplus hours go toward carryover to the new cycle 2024–2026 cycle.

Once a cycle is completed, if the Unstructured category is showing a negative (-) and no other courses are added, it will remain as such until more Unstructured hours are added. The extra Structured hours are automatically calculated by the system to adjust the Unstructured hours. 

How many hours can I carry over to the next cycle?
An individual who has accumulated a surplus of learning hours is permitted to carry over 10 Structured and 20 Unstructured Learning hours to the next reporting cycle. Any extra hours will not carry over.

What if my primary jurisdiction is not Ontario?
If an OAA member is licensed in more than one Canadian jurisdiction, there are two reporting options—the transcript or to other jurisdictions that have equivalency in place with the OAA. For more information, click here. Note: The Primary Jurisdiction Declaration form must be filled out for each new cycle, with a copy emailed as a pdf to

I have a question that’s not covered here. Who do I contact?
You can reach the OAA’s Continuing Education team at


Continuing Education Program Requirements

What learning activities qualify as Structured Learning?
Structured Learning hours includes activities that are organized educational sessions offered by Education Providers, are at least one hour in length, include a live question- and- answer period and/or assessment, and are supported by evidence of participation at the time the Learning hours are acquired. Activities must constitute the following educational categories: in-person learning, distance education, and teaching.

The OAA uploads all ConEd hours for OAA-administered events. If you have a question about whether an event falls under this category, please contact OAA ConEd. OAA members will still be responsible for reporting ConEd hours received from third-party providers.
OAA members must self-report Continuing Education activities on the OAA Transcript. (Education providers cannot report activities on OAA members’ behalf.)

Activities must be at least one hour in length and constitute these educational categories. Please note the maximum limit per cycle:
    • In-Person Learning
Attendance in lectures, college/university courses, or Lunch & Learns as well as participation in eligible tours run by the OAA Local Architectural Societies: No maximum
    • Distance Education
Participation in webinars or online education modules or courses: No maximum
    • Teaching
Public speaking engagements in a professional capacity for the purpose of informing others: 25 hours

Please be advised if your ConEd requirements were approved to be halved (due to being licensed mid-cycle, an approved on-leave status, or a licence reinstatement/reapplication with the OAA), then your Category Maximums will also accordingly be reduced to half.

What learning activities qualify as Unstructured Learning?
All the following requirements must be met for a learning activity to qualify as Unstructured Learning hours:
a) The topic is relevant to the practice or business of architecture and in accord with the OAA's Continuing Education Competency Framework.
b) The activity falls under one of the unstructured learning categories:
    • OAA Committee meetings;
    • Council meetings;
    • discussion groups;
    • distance education;
    • in-person learning;
    • mentoring;
    • teaching;
    • professional writing;
    • listening to audio books and podcasts, watching documentaries and videos, or reading books, periodicals, or journals related to the business or practice of architecture;
    • scholarly research; and
    • tours not offered by the OAA Local Architectural Societies.
c) The activity is at least one hour in length.
d) The learning activities must be completed and reported within the given cycle dates—currently, July 1, 2024 to June 30, 2026.

What is the OAA's Continuing Education Competency Framework?

The Competency Framework includes all professional, ethical, and substantive tools and resources to maintain and develop OAA members’ competence and ethical practice, as it relates to the business or practice of architecture. It includes, without limitation, the following:

  • all competencies required for entry into the profession;
  • professional and technical knowledge and skills;
  • leadership and client management skills;
  • risk management;
  • administrative, legal, and regulatory knowledge;
  • professional and ethical conduct;
  • equity and social justice issues as they relate to the profession and the built environment;
  • Ontario Building Code and National Building Code of Canada;
  • heritage and restoration; and
  • climate action and sustainability.

What are the Continuing Education requirements?
Architects (i.e. OAA licence holders) must collect, and self-report on their OAA transcript, 70 hours of learning, at least 25 of which are Structured (of which at least two are eligible for the Climate Action requirement).

Licensed Technologists (i.e. OAA limited licence holders) must complete 35 Learning hours every ConEd Reporting Cycle; at least 12 of these must be Structured Learning.

OAA members who hold the status of Non-Practising must complete 35 learning hours every ConEd Reporting Cycle, all of which may be Unstructured.

If a member joins the Association within the first six months of a Reporting Cycle, they will be required to complete all of the required Learning hours for their licence or limited licence. If they join between six to 18 months of the Cycle, they will be required to complete 50 per cent of the required Learning hours. If a member joins within the final six months of the Cycle, they will not be required to complete any of that Cycle's Learning hours.

What are the maximums for each learning category?
Except for in-person learning and distance education, each learning category for both Structured and Unstructured Learning has a maximum. This was implemented to encourage a diverse learning experience. Refer to the maximums set out on the Unstructured Learning page.

Are learning activities from other provinces/countries eligible for OAA learning hours?
Yes, learning activities that are in accord with the ConEd Competency Framework and are at least one hour are eligible.

Continuing Education Learning Activities

What are OAA events?
OAA events are learning sessions administered by the Association, including the Conference, OAA Continuing Education Webinar Series, and SHIFT and NOW Lecture events. If you have a question about whether an event falls under this category, please contact OAA ConEd. Do not self-report Continuing Education hours obtained at OAA-administered events. Your attendance will be uploaded to your transcript. Duplicate hours could result in errors on your transcript.

What do I need to know about the OAA Continuing Education Webinar Series?
Registration for all these webinars closes at 11:59 pm on the Sunday prior and take place in Eastern time.  Late registrations will not be accepted. Webinar links will not be emailed unless payment has been received. It may take up to three business days for the OAA to receive payment.

You must ensure you use your personal transcript OAA ID number to register and not the Corporate (CORP), Proprietor’s (SPROP), or Partnership (PART) account. (When this is not followed, the hours will not be reported because the system does not know who actually attended the webinar.) Members must use the email address associated with their transcript and include their full name and not initials.

For any course or webinar hosted by the OAA, you must attend 80% of it to earn the Structured Learning hours. The OAA will upload the hours for you once your attendance has been confirmed (allowing a few weeks to be reported).

When you register prior to the 11:59 pm on the Sunday before the webinar date, you will get a confirmation email. If you did not receive one, then you are either not registered or there is a system problem and you should contact to confirm registration. Once you have registered, the OAA sends the link in a separate email for the Thursday webinar on that day in the morning.

If you do not get the link, remember to check your junk mail. If you do not have anything the morning of the webinar, contact

Who/what is a provider of Learning Hours?
A provider includes any other professional associations, architectural societies, architectural advocacy groups, educational institutions, architectural firms, or commercial organizations that offer learning activities in accord with the Competency Framework.

Are breaks and meal times within an educational session eligible for learning hours?
Breaks and meal times are excluded from the total learning hours that should be reported.

How does Mentoring fit in with the ConEd Program?
This category includes mentoring for the RAIC Syllabus Program, Internship in Architecture Program (IAP), OAA Technology Program (OTP), or Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect (BEFA) program. The name of the intern should be entered in the title area of the transcript; you are considered the provider. (If informally mentoring employees at your own practice, this is better reported under “Discussions” in the Unstructured category.) Check out the FAQ below, “What’s the best way to report Unstructured hours to the transcript?” for an example of how to add mentoring to the transcript.

Mentors are eligible to receive a maximum of 10.0 Unstructured Learning hours per cycle. Those interested in becoming mentors can learn more on the OAA Website.

Will the OAA report hours for technical sessions, lectures, or lunch and learns at The Buildings Show (Construct Canada) or another industry convention? What about an RAIC lecture?
No, these lectures are to be self-reported to your transcript, and a certificate/proof of attendance must be uploaded for Structured Learning hours. If a certificate is not available, the lecture should be reported as Unstructured Learning.

Are tradeshows eligible for learning hours?
Only lectures or lunch and learns within tradeshows are eligible for Continuing Education learning hours.

The topic must be related to architecture and the activity must be at least one hour in length; proof of attendance must be provided for Structured Learning hours. Please contact the provider for the certificate/proof of attendance.

Guided tours and reading materials are eligible for Unstructured Learning and proof is not required.

Are design charrettes/workshops eligible for learning hours?
If a certificate or proof of attendance is uploaded to your transcript, and meets the learning eligibility criteria, the courses can qualify for Structured Learning hours. To request a certificate, please contact the provider.

If a certificate is not available, the lecture should be reported as Unstructured Leaning. It is important to keep a record that includes the activity's description, length, and date.

I was a panelist, juror, or critic. How do I enter my hours?
Being on a panel, jury, or awards event, or serving as a critic, can be reported under “Discussions” in the Unstructured category. Do not use “Teaching” for these activities.

I taught a course or was a speaker at a conference, with lots of prep work involved—is this Unstructured or Structured Learning?
If you are teaching or speaking at an event, you can report the actual class/presentation time in Structured hours with the same proof of attendance as on a certificate. Preparation can be reported in the Unstructured category under “Teaching,” with up to 25.0 hours possible in each category.

You can report teaching for each semester or total number of weeks with the documentation so you do not need to report each individual day of teaching. As proof, you will need a copy of an email or contract (salary redacted) that confirms the name of the school or company (and contact information), your name, course name, the duration of the course, and total number of hours taught. 

For conference sessions, you can retain a pdf or Word document capturing the email from a company inviting you to speak and you replying with the date, number of hours, etc.

Proof of Attendance

Do I need to upload proof of attendance for any learning hours?
No, beginning with the 2024–2026 ConEd Cycle, you will no longer need to upload proof of attendance. However, you will still need to keep a record of your proof of attendance in the event you are selected in a randomized audit.

How long do I have to retain proof of attendance?
Members must retain proof of attendance for six months after the end of the reporting cycle in which the hours were reported.
Members do not need to maintain proof for learning activities administered by the OAA, which will be recorded on their behalf by OAA staff, provided the member attends at least 80% of the learning activity.

What constitutes valid proof of attendance?
For Structured Learning hours, acceptable proof of attendance includes a certificate, a diploma, a letter of attendance from the provider, and/or an email attendance confirmation. Such proof must include the presentation title, total time, date of completion, attendee’s name, and provider’s name and email address. For Unstructured Learning hours, acceptable proof shall include the description, length, and date of the learning activity.

Your Transcript

How do I access my transcript?
At the top right of the OAA Website, click “Transcripts” to log in. You can also simply click here.

When signing into the transcript, ensure you are using the OAA ID number issued for you as an individual rather than the practice or company account. Click on “Continuing Education” and then the cycle button. Please note: when you enter several courses, they expand the transcript to a second page. Below the “Print” button, there will be a white rectangle that says “1 of 2” with a blue arrow beside it to take you to the next page. 

How do I change/reset my password?
1) Go to your Transcript.
2) Click “Forgot my Password” (below the “Sign In” button)
3) Type in your username
4) A link will be emailed to you. Click on the link and you will be directed to a webpage where the password can be changed. It must have seven digits and include a capital letter, numeral, and symbol (!, #, @).

If you have tried a password incorrectly too many times and have been locked out, email for assistance.

How do I edit the transcript?
To make changes or delete an entry, click the “Edit” button to the right of the number of hours and that will open the box to allow you to make changes, delete, or upload a certificate.

ConEd Screenshot

When adding something, you will click on “Date of completion,” which prompts a calendar pops open so you can choose what year, month, and day to report on the Transcript. Choose the right date (be sure it is the correct year).

ConEd Screenshot

How do I print the transcript?
Click on the “Print” button below the cycle dates as shown below to print that transcript.

Why does the OAA transcript not accept 0.5 hours?
All ConEd for both Structured and Unstructured categories must be one hour or more to be eligible; the system is setup to not accept anything under 1.0 hours. 

How do I know whether my Continuing Education requirements are complete for the current reporting cycle?
Refer to the “Status” field on your transcript. If it states “Completed,” then your Continuing Education requirements have been met.

Can I report learning activities that occurred before or after an OAA Continuing Education Cycle?
OAA members are not permitted to backlog learning activities that took place outside the given Continuing Education Cycle.

New OAA members are permitted to report eligible learning activities that took place within 12 months prior to the date of licensure. These hours are to be self-reported on the current OAA transcript; proof of attendance is required for structured learning activities.

Will the OAA report hours on my behalf?
The OAA will upload all Continuing Education hours for OAA events, including OAA-administered webinars and Conference sessions. OAA members will still be responsible for reporting Continuing Education hours received from third-party providers.

What does the asterisk mean?
Hours showing an asterisk (i.e. 1.50*) require attention. Hover your cursor over the number to learn why the transcript is not including it in the calculation. You might have reached the allocated number of hours for that category.

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