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Changes to the ConEd Program for the Current Reporting Cycle

In June 2024, OAA Council approved a newly revised Continuing Education Policy that streamlines existing processes and increases transparency and consistency by amalgamating seven previously existing policies into one single document. 

The new policy also established three significant changes to the program. 


Beginning with the 2024–26 reporting cycle, members are no longer required to upload proof of successful completion of a learning activity for Structured Learning Hours for learning activities outside the OAA. 

The OAA will continue to upload all ConEd hours for OAA-administered events. Members are still required to report the hours and the title of the learning activity, but they will only be required to keep all documents substantiating the member’s proof of attendance regarding Structured Learning for six months after the end of the reporting cycle in which they were reported.

Members must keep a record of Unstructured Learning hours, which shall include a description, the length, and date of the learning activity for six months after the end of the reporting cycle in which they were reported.

During the reporting cycle, and up to six months thereafter, the OAA may require a member to provide documents about the member’s completion of the learning hours. The onus will lie with each member to maintain this information during the ConEd cycle.

Administrative Suspensions for Non-Compliance

In accordance with the Section 54 of the Regulation 27 (the regulations), a member may become administratively suspended for failing to complete the continuing education requirements.

Unless a member has been granted relief of any outstanding Learning hours, a member shall have 90 days after the end of the reporting cycle to complete them, failing which the Registrar may administratively suspend the member’s licence or limited licence in accordance with the steps established in regulation.

Non-Compliance Fee

As of May 21, 2024, OAA Council voted to revise the administrative fees for OAA members who do not complete their mandatory Continuing Education hours or record them in the OAA’s online transcript before the end of the cycle. The single fee of $750 replaces the previous two-tiered fine structure (where first-time non-compliance and subsequent late times were $500 and $1000, respectively).

You can also learn more about the Continuing Education Program, by checking out the recently updated ConEd Program FAQ.

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