Endorsed by OAA Council in January 2025, the refreshed Practice Tips PT.23.6 and PT.23.7 provide suggested amendments to CCDC 14-2013 and CCDC 15-2013 for use in design-build projects. The launch...
Clients (owners) may require certificate of practice (CoP) holders to retain surveyors, geo-technical, or hazardous materials specialist consultants under the architectural services contract in lieu...
OAA members are encouraged to review the following updated or new Practice Tips: PT.00 Index to Practice Tips; PT.03 Building Code Data Matrix; PT.10.0 Construction Act / Construction...
Exploring Holdback, Closeout and Warranties, and Forms The seventh installment of this series existing OAA resources in the Practice Advisory Knowledge Base that address common themes...
Exploring Bidding and Permits The fifth instalment of this series in Practice Advisory highlights existing OAA resources in the Practice Advisory Knowledge Base that address common themes and issues...
Exploring OAA Resources on Payment The second installment of this series in Practice Advisory highlights existing OAA resources in the Practice Advisory Knowledge Base that address common themes and...