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Practice Tip Updates: Revised OBC Matrices and Construction Act Resources

OAA members are encouraged to review the following updated or new Practice Tips:

  • PT.00 Index to Practice Tips;
  • PT.03 Building Code Data Matrix;
  • PT.10.0 Construction Act / Construction Lien Act;
  • PT.10.1 Construction Lien Act–Procedures for the Release of Statutory Lien Holdbacks;
  • PT.10.2 Construction Act–Procedures for the Release of Statutory Lien Holdbacks;
  • PT.10.3 Construction Act–Prompt Payment ** NEW RESOURCE**;
  • PT.10.4 Construction Act–OAA Members Acting as Adjudicators;
  • PT.10.5 Construction Act–Interim Adjudication ** NEW RESOURCE**; and
  • PT.35 Importance Category and Seismic Restraint

This article details what is new in these resources.

What are Practice Tips?

Located in the OAA’s Practice Advisory Knowledge Base, Practice Tips (PTs) provide guidance and describe best practices on issues affecting the daily practice of architecture. Practice Tips are reviewed by OAA committee members and endorsed by OAA Council. They are available to both members and the public. They support members by helping them apply best practices to meet the standards of the profession. Practice Tips support clients, and any interested party, by promoting a better understanding of the services architects and other members of the OAA offer. They also generally help clarify the expectations of those who retain or work with architects.

The Practice Tips were current when they were written and are updated as required. With the advent of the 3rd edition of the Canadian Handbook of Practice (CHOP), the launch of the OAA 2021 suite of contracts, CCDC 2-2020, and the revision of the codes and standards, these documents are being updated and reposted. Since projects may still be underway under previous rules, both the original and new versions of the documents will co-exist for a period.

Readers are to use their judgement in applying PTs to the specifics of their own situations.

PT.03 Building Code Data Matrix (version 4.3)

Given the extensive changes to the Ontario Building Code (OBC) 2012 over the last few years, the data matrices were in need of review and updates.

With the support of Practice Resource Committee (PRC) and other resources, the OAA’s Practice Advisory Services (PAS) staff worked on incorporating the comments from the committee, including final testing of the Excel workbook, before working on the Word files for imminent upload. Comments received by the committee have been used to update the matrices, addressing such topics as encapsulated mass timber and the Seismic Supplement (available in the Excel workbook).

Please note: to access the Excel workbook, member login is required.

Practice 10.0 Series: New Practice Tips on Prompt Payment and Adjudication

Over the summer of 2023, the OAA’s PAS team worked with legal counsel to create two new Practice Tips to augment the PT.10 series on the Construction Act: PT.10.3 Construction Act–Prompt Payment and PT.10.5 Construction Act–Interim Adjudication.

The drafts of the new PT.10 series documents were developed by PAS through questions like, “How does this impact architects?” and “What do architects need to know?” The outlines were developed to address the questions were submitted to legal counsel for further development to be informed by case law or other related legal matters. The drafts also referenced the clauses in the OAA Contract Suite 2021.

PRC reviewed the drafts and provided comments; the feedback was incorporated prior to final consultation with legal counsel. In tandem with the review work by PRC, staff from PAS also worked on edits and updates to other resources in the PT 10 Series.

As part of the launch of the two new practice tips, OAA’s Continuing Education team will be hosting two webinars. Sign up now and secure your spot:

PT.35 Importance Category and Seismic Restraint (version 1.2)

Following in the process of increased harmonization with the National Building Code of Canada (NBC), OBC Section 4.1.8 Earthquake Loads and Effects has been revised—effective as of January 2020—to align with NBC 2015. 

PT.35 - Importance Category and Seismic Restraint has therefore undergone updates consistent with those in PT.03.


This article originally appeared in the Practice Advisory—the OAA’s bimonthly e-newsletter developed by the OAA’s Practice Advisory Services team, comprising architects and other staff, which offers numerous resources for both member and the public. The OAA does not provide legal, insurance, or accounting advice. Readers are advised to consult their own such representatives to obtain suitable professional advice in those regards.

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