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Government Relations

The OAA actively monitors government activities at municipal, provincial, and federal levels, responding as needed through formal letters and other channels. Continually updated, this searchable portal houses these official correspondences, as well as related reports.

Level of Government / Organization

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Ministry of Public and Business Service Delivery and Procurement, in response to the consultation on the proposed initiatives affecting condominiums. In particular, the OAA strongly urges government to amend Schedule G under Section 5 of O. Reg 48/01 of the Condominium Act which an architect must complete to ensure registration of a condominium. 

Publish Date: 2024/OCT/22

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Planning and Policy Branch at the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to express its support for proposed amendments to Ontario Regulation 299/19 Additional Residential Units, made under the Planning Act. The Association believes that the proposed change would support the creation of more housing and advance housing affordability across Ontario. 

Publish Date: 2024/OCT/08

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Standing Committee on Finance and Economic Affairs, to confirm the Association's support in principle for Bill 185, Cutting Red Tape to Build More Homes Act, 2024.

Publish Date: 2024/MAY/10

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to Brian Pollard, Assistant Deputy Minister of Long-term Care, to confirm that the Association and its members stand ready to provide input on using standardized designs and design elements in long-term care to help ensure that the architecture industry's expertise and feedback is captured and reflected in the final processes and products that government creates. 

Publish Date: 2024/FEB/15

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Standing Committee on Justice Policy to confirm the Association's support for Schedule 1 of Bill 157, Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2023. If passed, Schedule 1 will establish a Limited Licence provision for former Licensed Technologists OAA. 

Publish Date: 2024/FEB/01

The industry group, Engineers,  Architects, and Building Officials (EABO), writes to the Hon. Paul Calandra, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to advance recommended changes to the Building Code that may help speed up the Building Permitting Process through professional coordination.

Publish Date: 2024/JAN/30

Bill 157, Enhancing Access to Justice Act, 2023, is an omnibus bill that contemplates, among many legislative changes, amendments to the Architects Act. The Association has had the opportunity to closely study Schedule 1 of the Bill, and has prepared this briefing note to ensure the provincial government and members of the public have a full understanding  about the importance of this legislative change. The OAA strongly urges government to advance Schedule 1 of Bill 157. This will enable the relaunch of the longstanding OAA Technology Program, the licensing of Licensed Technologist members, and the creation of a framework for the regulation of other design professionals.

Briefing Note #1 confirms the OAA's support for Schedule 1 and provides background information, details the current situation, outlines issues and considerations, urges government to swiftly pass the proposed legislation. Briefing Note #2 addresses the difference between the former Licensed Technologist OAA licence and the AATO's Architectural Technologist title. 

In addition to reading the briefing notes, you can learn more about the background context by learning about the Court Order from earlier in the year on the OAA Website.

Publish Date: 2024/JAN/16

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure, and Cultural Policy to confirm the Association's support in principle for Bill 131, Transportation for the Future Act, 2023

Publish Date: 2023/OCT/11

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Honourable Paul Calandra, Minister of Long-term Care, to urge government to consider evidence-based design recommendations to improve long-term care in Ontario. 

Publish Date: 2023/JUL/10

Industry group Engineers, Architects, and Building Officials (EABO) writes to the Hon. Steve Clark, Minister of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to advance recommended changes to the Building Code pertaining to professional coordination. 

Publish Date: 2023/JUN/29

OAA Executive Director, Kristi Doyle, writes to Chetan Mistry, Manager of the Building Services Transformation Unit, Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing, to request that former Licensed Technologists OAA are grandfathered into the BCIN program. 

Publish Date: 2023/JUN/06

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Hon. Doug Downey, Attorney General, to request regulatory changes to the Architects Act that will facilitate the issuance of Limited Licences by the OAA to individuals in the architectural discipline. 

Publish Date: 2023/JUN/06

Fairness Commissioner, Irwin Glasberg, writes to the OAA in response to its application for an exemption from the prohibition against requiring that person's experience be Canadian as a qualification for licensure. 

Publish Date: 2023/JUN/05

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing to confirm the OAA's support in principle for the proposed Provincial Planning Statememt. 

Publish Date: 2023/MAY/31

OAA President, Settimo Vilardi, writes to the Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Housing Building Transformation Services Branch in response to the consultation on future enhancements to the qualifications program for Ontario's building practitioners. 

Publish Date: 2023/FEB/06

OAA writes to the Office of the Fairness Commissioner to request an exemption to the Canadian experience requirements prohibition for foreign-trained architects on their path to licensure in Ontario. 

Publish Date: 2023/JAN/26

OAA President, Susan Speigel, writes to James Ross, Manager of the Building Code Policy Development Unit to deliver the Association's line by line review of the proposed changes for energy efficiency in the Fall 2022 OBC consultation. 

Publish Date: 2022/DEC/09

RAIC President, Jason Robbins, and Chief Exeuctive Officer, Mike Brennan, write to Premier Doug Ford to express their concerns over Bill 23, More Homes For Everyone Act, 2022

Publish Date: 2022/DEC/06

The Ontario Land Tribunal (OLT) has issued its final orders with regard to the OAA’s appeal of the City of Toronto Harmonized Zoning Bylaw 569-2013. Importantly, amendments regarding height calculations that the OAA advanced are included in the OLT’s order, which allows houses with flat roofs to be more than 2.5 meters lower than peaked roofs, as long as the additional height is set back.

Publish Date: 2022/NOV/30

OAA President, Susan Speigel, writes to the Standing Committee on Heritage, Infrastructure and Cultural Policy to confirm the Association's recommendations on Bill 23, More Homes Built Faster Act, 2022.

Publish Date: 2022/NOV/16

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