Under its five-year strategic plan, the OAA has identified public education as a key pillar with the goal to advance the public’s understanding and recognition that architecture is integral to the quality of life and well-being of our society.
The OAA offers
Public Awareness Funding in amounts from $500 to $10,000 to applicants working to expand an awareness of the value of architecture in their communities. OAA funds are provided with minimal prescriptions with the trust that community groups know best how to engage and serve their communities.
Funds are released semi-annually with the 2025 deadlines set as Monday, March 17 and Monday, September 15. Any requests for more than $10,000 may only be awarded at the discretion of OAA Council. (This requires a longer timeline, as noted below.)
The OAA also provides in-kind promotional support to certain applicants, whether they receive funding or not.
To see examples of successful Public Awareness Funding submissions from 2024,
click here.
Interested applicants must submit an application form. (The questions are also listed below for reference, but the form itself must be submitted to be considered.) These submissions are evaluated by the OAA’s Communications and Public Education Committee (CPEC).
Aside from basic project/applicant information, the questions that must be completed using the form in the link above include:
- Have you received OAA funding in the past (along with dates and amounts)?
- Who is the target audience? What is the expected impact on this audience related to architecture awareness?
- Why have you requested funding from the OAA for this project?
- Please provide a brief project timeline and/or action plan.
- What do you want to achieve with this project? How will you know whether you are successful?
- Please include a budget detailing how you arrived at your requested amount and how the funds will be spent. Include funding from other sources, if applicable.
- Occasionally, CPEC is able to offer a lower amount of funding than initially requested. Please briefly describe how your project or your funding request can be scaled down should a lower funding amount be available instead.
The OAA welcomes proposals from:
- not-for-profits and charitable organizations;
- grassroots organizations;
- informal collectives;
- individuals; and
- other deserving applicants (at the discretion of CPEC).
The Public Awareness Funding can be used to fund upcoming projects and initiatives such as:
- community events;
- lectures;
- workshops;
- exhibitions;
- day camps; and
- innovative learning tools.
The OAA’s Public Awareness Funding program will not support:
- illegal activities, harmful activities, or activities contrary to the Ontario Human Rights Code;
- projects that have already happened;
- projects outside Ontario;
- commercial/profit-driven projects;
- projects or technical tools focused solely on those within the architectural profession;
- projects contrary to the OAA’s vision, mandate, and values; or
- projects contrary to the OAA’s Conflict of Interest Policy.
CPEC will consider a variety of projects that align with the OAA’s vision, mandate, and strategic plan while demonstrating the potential to advance public awareness about architecture. The Committee will evaluate submissions against the following key criteria:
- clear focus on public awareness, appreciation, and understanding of architecture and the allied arts and sciences;
- ability to address the OAA’s key strategic themes of climate action and equity, diversity, inclusion, and Reconciliation;
- innovation, creativity, and relevance;
- demonstrated need for funding;
- ability to reach a broad public audience, especially youth;
- feasibility and likelihood of success; and
- expected impact.
Successful funding recipients may be asked to include the OAA logo on any promotional materials associated with their projects.
Recipients must also submit a brief impact report within 60 days of their project’s completion. This offers a practical summary of the event itself, a personal evaluation (i.e. did you achieve your goals?), challenges faced, and any other feedback you'd like to share about the OAA's funding program. The form will be provided to all successful applicants.
Funds are released semi-annually with deadlines in mid-March and mid-September. For 2025, the approximate timelines are as follows:
Deadline One: Monday, March 17, 2025
- April: CPEC reviews and approves of funding requests
- Early May: decisions are communicated to applicants, with funding issued via cheque
- Late May: OAA Council reviews any requests above $10,000
- Early June: funding issued to successful applicants above $10,000
Deadline Two: Monday, September 15, 2025
- October: CPEC reviews and approves of funding requests
- November: decisions are communicated to applicants, with funding issued via cheque
- Early December: OAA Council reviews any requests above $10,000
- Mid December: funding issued to successful applicants above $10,000.
Please direct any questions, comments, or concerns to Cynthia Mykytyshyn, the OAA’s public outreach specialist, at
cynthiam@oaa.on.ca. Due to the high volume of submissions received and the competitive nature of the funding, specific feedback cannot be provided on individual applications, either before or after final decisions have been made. However, OAA staff will work with you to clarify or make accommodations if any part of the application process is a barrier to your submission.