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Practice Consultation Services

The OAA Practice Consultation Services Program, set out as a “practice review program” in s. 52 of Regulation 27 under the Architects Act, is part of the process allowing the architecture profession to continue its privilege of self-regulation.

To help practices maintain competence and currency, it includes a mandatory Practice Consultation Questionnaire—an online audit that requires architectural firms to review their office processes as they pertain to regulatory requirements.

For each OAA Certificate of Practice, an architect (usually the owner/principal or someone in charge of the practice work) is required to complete the survey at least once every 10 years. Non-compliance can lead to referral to the Practice Review Committee (a subset of the Practice Resource Committee [PRC]), for review and consideration of further action, which could result in an on-site review or referral to the Registrar or Complaints Committee.

You can also learn more by reading this policy.

What kinds of topics are covered by this questionnaire?

The Practice Consultation Questionnaire is designed to have firms review office practices as they pertain to regulatory requirements and good practices. The audit or survey covers:

• marketing and promotion;
• client agreements/contracts;
• consultant agreements/contracts;
• accounting and bookkeeping issues;
• records and files;
• personal supervision and direction as well as quality assurance;
• legal; and
• project management and delivery of services.

Who has to complete the questionnaire and when?

All OAA practices must complete the questionnaire during their first year of receiving their Certificate of Practice. After that, every OAA Practice will complete it once every 10 years, as this is mandatory for maintaining a Certificate of Practice.

They will be required to respond to the questionnaire within one month.

Who reviews the program? Why is it mandatory?

Created by OAA Council, the program is managed by the Association’s Practice Advisory Services Team. The questionnaire responses are reviewed by the Association’s Practice Review Committee, a subset of the Practice Resource Committee (PRC), fulfilling the role set out in s. 52 of Regulation 27 under the Architects Act:

“The Association shall establish and conduct a practice review program related to the practice of architecture, including a program for the inspection of records, other than financial records, of its members and holders.”

How do I complete the questionnaire?

Once you have received a notification email regarding your practice’s participation in the mandatory program, you will have one calendar month to complete and submit your responses.

The CoP holder answering the questionnaire should have the following information on hand:

  • OAA licence number;
  • OAA CoP number for the practice completing the questionnaire—this is used as the username to log into the portal; and
  • Username and password to log into the OAA Website for the Practice (rather than as an Individual).

It is recommended you complete the questionnaire in one sitting. This should take approximately 45 minutes. For the best experience, use Chrome or Edge as your browser and ensure you are in private/incognito mode.

If the session becomes idle and you are logged out of the questionnaire, you will be prompted to log in once more. You will be directed to the member profile page. Use the “back” button of your web browser to be redirected to the page you last saved on the questionnaire.

Save the page periodically to prevent data loss. (The pages do not auto-save.)

If you have questions about what is being asked, or if you need to resolve technical difficulties (e.g. session loss or inability to retrieve work in progress), email the Program Administrator at the dedicated OAA Practice Consultation Services inbox at


Mélisa Audet, Manager Practice Advisory Services 

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