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Join a Society

Located in regions across Ontario, the 14 Local Architectural Societies can be thought of as the regional chapters of the OAA, providing opportunities for dialogue between local architects and the wider architectural community. They work to raise the awareness, appreciation, and understanding of architecture within their communities.

The 14 Local Architectural Societies provide a venue for dialogue between local architects, a support network for professional advice, social interaction among the architectural community, and opportunities for leadership, continuing education, and community outreach.

The Societies represent the regional interests and concerns of architects across the province. They are very active within their community, often developing partnerships or collaborating with the municipality, school boards, heritage and historical societies, and local construction associations. Their projects and events include organizing and participating in lectures, forums, building tours, networking events and exhibits

Who can join a Local Society?

All members (architects, non-practising architects, and Licensed Technologists OAA) and status categories (intern architects, student associates, retired members, life members, and honorary members) of the OAA are eligible for membership within a Local Architectural Society, provided they have paid their respective OAA membership dues. Annual Society membership dues also apply to obtain membership in the Society. Societies can also admit any member of the public as Affiliates. Eligibility requirements and annual dues for Affiliates are set by the individual Society.

Click here to go to the Local Architectural Society map to determine the Society to which you would belong.

Why should I join a Local Society?

Whether you are a student, intern, or architect, being a part of a Local Architecture Society has its benefits. Not only is it a chance to develop valuable connections in your area, but it also gives you a support network and opportunity to talk about issues that affect architects and practices. Local Societies have varied interests and resources. Membership types, in some cases, allow for members of the general public and allied industry representatives to join.

If you are an allied industry representative or someone simply interested in architecture and design, joining a Society as an Affiliate can offer numerous benefits in education and networking. Contract your Local Society to learn more.

Click here to go to the Local Architectural Society map to determine the Society to which you would belong.

How do I join a Local Society?

New OAA members and interns are not asked on their initial membership applications if they would like to join their respective Local Architectural Society. However, upon membership renewal (each subsequent January) they will have the option pay their Society fees in conjunction with their OAA member fees. Payments can be made as part of your OAA annual online renewal. After that date, payments can be made through the OAA Store.

Non-OAA members are asked to contact the respective Society Chair to be registered. You will need to refer to the Local Architectural Society Map to see which Society is appropriate for your residence/business. Some groups, such as the Toronto Society of Architects (TSA) and Ottawa Regional Society of Architects (ORSA), which have large member bases, have online application processes. There is a fee associated to become a Society member, which you will pay directly to the Society. 

What are the Current Societies?

Click here to view a listing of the current societies. See the Local Architectural Society map to determine the society which you would belong.
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