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ARCHITECT@WORK CANADA is a premier event that brings together architects and building professionals each year to discuss and discover the latest innovations in materials, products and processes. Along...

Image: uschamberfoundation From enhancing real estate values, to fostering local businesses, preservation keeps historic main streets and downtowns economically viable. In places that have...

Smart city initiatives aren’t just for major metro areas. Communities of all sizes can benefit from technology that enables them to collect more data and glean new insights from that information...

You've signed the pledge, now its time to take action!  Back in September 2019, the TSA Executive issued a letter making a commitment to work with our membership to formulate an action plan and...

The panel discussion is centered around Black women’s experience in higher education and the workplace with the goal of educating students on proactive advocacy and allyship for anti-racism within the...

With workplaces closed across the country, working from home may have come as a welcomed relief for the many women of color who experience chronic racial stress from navigating racial microaggressions...

With this year's OAA Conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the Ontario Association of Architects will instead host its Annual General Meeting (AGM) as a virtual event. The 2020 AGM will...

Join in the conversation focusing on amplifying astounding voices of womxn design-thinkers. Hear the panel unpack their experiences & perceptions related to phenomena ‘impostor syndrome’ &...

In light of the Black Lives Matter Movement and ongoing efforts to achieve equity, diversity, and inclusion (EDI) in our workplace and our industry, this program will highlight a number of...

With workplaces closed across the country, working from home may have come as a welcomed relief for the many women of color who experience chronic racial stress from navigating racial microaggressions...

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Events Calendar

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OAA Contract Suite

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