Listed opportunities are neither mandatory under the OAA ConEd Program nor endorsed or developed by the OAA. Opportunities that qualify for OAA ConEd Learning Hours are extensive and are not exclusive to this list. If you are an education provider who would like your offering listed, click here.
View Archived Continuing Education Opportunities
Course description: The Henry Dundeq Polyurethane and Pumadeq PUMA Traffic Coating Systems are high performance seamless, traffic coating systems for vehicular and pedestrian traffic surfaces offering...
Course description: Advancements in air barrier technology and higher accountability for indoor air quality, energy efficiency and fire protection lead to increasingly complex design and construction...
Course description: Hot rubberized asphalt has been an industry standard waterproofing system providing cost effective monolithic, fully bonded protection to plaza decks, parking garages, tunnels...
Course description: Is your building designed to combat a lifetime of physical challenges such as expansion and contraction, shifting foundations, building settling, hydrostatic pressure, and...
Course description: Henry has a diverse portfolio of pre-applied waterproofing membranes. Whether it is the patented dual bond technology of Blueskin PreSeal, proven bentonite waterproofing with...
Course description: This course will teach about Henry Prodeq Cold Fluid Applied Waterproofing systems, which use an instant setting membrane. By instructing about their technical advances, how to...
Course description: This presentation will describe overcoming waterproofing challenges by utilizing a liquid-applied PUMA system. PUMA is a cold fluid-applied waterproofing system with quick-curing...