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Con-Ed Opportunities Detail


Understanding Below Grade Waterproofing Systems and Design Options

Course description:
Is your building designed to combat a lifetime of physical challenges such as expansion and contraction, shifting foundations, building settling, hydrostatic pressure, and waterproofing longevity? Understanding how to properly design and specify a waterproofing assembly to meet project specific need is the first step in constructing a watertight building envelope. Through a detailed discussion, this presentation will help you understand how to select an effective waterproofing assembly to avoid water penetration and avoid costly repairs.

Learning objectives:
• Why Waterproofing is the only choice when there is usable space below grade?
• What happens when the groundwater table rises due to snow melt or heavy rain fall?
• What is capillary rise and does this impact our design of the waterproofing system?
• What are the effects of hydrostatic pressure on our buildings when waterproofing is installed on the “Positive” or “Negative” of the foundation? 
• “Waterproofing” or “Dampproofing”?  

This presentation is a one-hour discussion and qualifies for continuing education credit as recognized by the Ontario Association of Architects.

 To register, contact:

Michael Hooper – Building Science Representative 


Roger Ali – Building Science Representative

Certificates will be provided.

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