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Award Categories

See below for OAA Award Categories and requirements.

Best Emerging Practice

Recognizing the contribution of young firms that have been in practice for six years or less and that demonstrate a clear vision, well-articulated goals and proven effective strategies that provide a competitive advantage. The award is presented biennially.


OAA Practice that has been in practice for six years or less.

Award Criteria

Considerations may include such practice-building tools as:

  • Unique client services;
  • Innovative resources for clients;
  • Savvy use of media and marketing; and
  • Creative approaches to skill development and professional development.
  • Approach to employee wellness and work/life balance.
The Best Emerging Practice recipient delivers the evening presentation at the biennial OAA NOW lecture.

Design Excellence

Recognizing the innovative skills of Ontario architects in creating spaces, buildings and communities that respect and enhance the environment and enrich human activity. The award is presented biennially.


All projects designed by members of the OAA, located anywhere in the world, completed since January 1, 2018 and currently in use are eligible. Projects may represent any form of built architecture, including single buildings, groups of buildings, additions, interiors, conversions, restorations, and renovations.

Architects, intern architects, owners, users, builders, and members of the public are welcome to submit, provided the work was designed by a member of the OAA.

Eligible projects are those completed by a practice with an OAA Certificate of Practice, and meeting at least one of the following conditions:

    a) the work must be done by a practice located in Ontario; or
    b) the project must be located in Ontario.

Note:  Previous Design Excellence Award Finalists are not eligible.

It is the submittor’s responsibility to ensure they have provided the correct credit of authorship conforming to OAA Regulatory Notice R.5.

Honour Roll

Recognizing prominent members of the architectural profession who are now deceased; a record of achievement is presented to a relative and displayed at the OAA. This award is presented biennially.


The nominee must be an Ontario architect, now deceased, who meets at least one of the following criteria:

  • The quality of the architect’s work and contribution to Ontario’s architectural heritage is significant; or
  • The architect had significant influence on professional colleagues through design, education, professional development, community development, publication or other significant activity.

Service Award submissions will also not be accepted if made by a current member of OAA Council. 


  • Letter of Recommendation that includes the criteria under which the architect is being recommended. 

To see a list of past Honour Roll recipients, click here.

Lifetime Design Achievement Award

Recognizing an architect's career-long commitment to the promotion and achievement of architectural design excellence. As of 2020, the award is presented biennially.

This award celebrates the outstanding contribution of architects whose body of work reflects a lasting legacy of excellence and innovation.


  • Letter of Recommendation submitted by nominator & seconded (both must be OAA members)
  • Citation or CV outlining nominee's accomplishments.

Service Award submissions will not be accepted if made by a member of the OAA Communications and Public Education Committee or a member of OAA Council.

To see past recipients of the Lifetime Design Achievement Award, click here.

Lieutenant Governor's Award for Design Excellence in Architecture

The Lieutenant Governor’s Award for Design Excellence in Architecture is presented biennially to recognize completed projects constructed in Ontario within the preceding six years. The award winner is selected from among the finalists of the Ontario Association of Architects Design Excellence Awards, and is considered by an expert jury to have shown excellence in creativity, context, sustainability, good business, and legacy. The award is presented biennially.


Same as Design Excellence. All Design Excellence submissions that meet the Eligibility criteria are automatically eligible.

Medal of Service

The new OAA Medal of Service recognizes individuals who have provided exceptional service and leadership to the profession and/or public through promotion, advocacy, education, or other contributions and achievements. This honour, a continuation of the previous G. Randy Roberts Service Award and Order of da Vinci, is presented biennially. It can be awarded at any stage of one’s career, recognizing a lifetime of high-profile advocacy in the public eye or unsung behind-the-scenes volunteerism with the Association and its members, or rather for a specific initiative or period with profound impact.


The nominee must hold status with the Ontario Association of Architects.
Members of the OAA Communications and Public Education Committee or OAA Council may not make submissions.
Previous winners of the Order of da Vinci and the G. Randy Roberts Service Award are not eligible as they have already been honoured with the earlier iteration of this award.


1. Letter of Recommendation submitted by nominator and seconder (both must be OAA members).
2. Citation or CV outlining nominee's accomplishments.

Michael V. and Wanda Plachta Award

Honouring architectural excellence for projects in Ontario that cost no more than $8 million. The award is presented biennially.


All submitted projects eligible for the Design Excellence Awards that have a construction cost of no more than $8 million will automatically be considered. If there is not an eligible project within the 10 Design Excellence winners, the next highest-ranking project from the finalists can be awarded.


People's Choice Award

Recognizing the public's favourite project, selected by online voting from the Design Excellence Winners. The award is presented biennially.


All Design Excellence Winners are automatically eligible.

Awards Process

After the winners of the Design Excellence category have been announced, the public is invited to vote online for their favourite project. The online public voting page will include images/background of each project and will be available on the OAA Website. The project that receives the most votes will be declared the People's Choice Award winner.


Tamara King
Administrator, Website & Communications
t: 416.449.6898 ext. 209


Awards FaQs

Past OAA Award winners
Awards Book 2024
Awards Book 2022
Awards Book 2020
Awards Book 2018


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