In accordance with publication by the Registrar of Trade-marks on June 23, 2004, ‘OAA’ is recognized as an official mark of the Ontario Association of Architects. As a term formally protected by the...
This policy outlines the roles, responsibilities, and procedures for Council members and OAA staff with regards to compliance with the Council duties outlined in the OAA's bylaws and policies...
This policy sets out guidelines for purchasing and procurement by the OAA. The OAA will ensure that its procurement of services and products will be done, whenever possible, only from suppliers with a...
This policy outlines reimbursable expenses for Councillors (including the President and Vice Presidents) along with members of Statutory, Standing, and Discretionary Committees and Task Groups...
This policy outlines the roles and responsibilities of OAA staff, Council members, and committee members with regards to committee positions...
This policy sets parameters around requests for exemption, as per Section 33 of Ontario Regulation 27, as amended, which states: "33. The Council may, where it is of the opinion that the applicant's...
Council has adopted a policy that OAA fees may be waived or reduced for up to one year by the Executive Director for reasons of financial hardship. The policy will be reviewed on an annual basis...
Creation of New OAA Awards Policy...
The purpose of this policy is to set out the eligibility requirements for individuals wishing to stand for election as an Officer of the Association, and by extension a member of the Executive...
Council has adopted a policy that a leave of absence from membership requirements may be granted by the Executive Director for up to one year at a reduced fee for medical, maternity or parental leave...
Check out the OAA store to review our selection of contracts, contract seals, documents and guides to assist with your project. Available to OAA members and non-members. Order here.