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Strategic Alliances

How to place an ad

Strategic Alliances advertises OAA members, OAA Certificate of Practice holders, out-of-province architectural practices and out-of-province engineering firms who are looking to find and form strategic alliances - both short and long-term collaboration, for single projects of a particular type, and for building a practice. (Listings are only available for viewing by OAA members.)

Ads can be submitted by architects, architectural practices, Certificate of Authorization holders, out-of-province architectural practices, or out-of-province engineering practices.

There is no cost for OAA Certificate of Practice holders/members or non-members.

Ads must contain contact coordinates for interested individuals to respond to. The OAA will not provide any additional information.

Information for placing an ad to Strategic Alliances:

  • All ads are subject to a standard approval process, where the OAA reserves the right to edit or reject ads for compliance with privacy laws and content; and that the standards noted in any terms and conditions are met.
  • All ads must be in compliance with the Architects Act and the regulation thereunder, the Employment Standards Act, 2000 and the Ontario Human Rights Code.
  • Ads are posted for a period of one month from date of posting
  • Ads may be of any reasonable length
  • Ads are to be submitted using the online form below.
  • Please do not use ALL CAPS when submitting text for ads.

If you have questions or require assistance,  please contact


Note:  You need to be logged-in to access the strategic alliances.


t: 416.449.6898 or toll free

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