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Unstructured Learning

Cycle 2024-2026: July 1, 2024 – June 30, 2026

Unstructured Learning encompasses all learning activities that an architect may perform in a professional capacity. Unlike Structured Learning, official proof of completion is not required.

The OAA uploads all ConEd hours for OAA-administered events. If you have a question about whether an event falls under this category, please contact OAA ConEd. OAA members will still be responsible for reporting Continuing Education hours received from third-party providers.

NOTE: Please be advised, if your Continuing Education Requirements were approved to be halved (due to being licensed mid-cycle, an approved on-leave status, or a licence reinstatement/reapplication with the OAA), then your Category Maximums will also reduce by half accordingly. 

Select a category to view the description and maximum limit per cycle.

Committee Meetings

Attendance at meetings as a member of an organized group, the mandate/activities of which relate to the conduct of business or the practice of architecture. This may include OAA Committees, Task Groups, and Advisory Groups, professional organizations, community committees, or Local Architectural Societies, but not service clubs.

25 hours

OAA Council Meetings

Attendance at OAA Council meetings.

30 hours

Discussion Groups

An organized group of individuals who have gathered to discuss a specific topic, matter, or issue that is intended to support or advance the practice of architecture by the participants. This may include a Lunch & Learn, focus group, guest speakers, facilitated discussion, and roundtables.

25 hours

Distance Education

This category includes webinars, as well as online education modules and courses.

No maximum hours

In-Person Learning

This category includes college or university courses, lectures, Lunch & Learns, seminars, and workshops.

No maximum hours


This category includes mentoring for the RAIC Syllabus Program, Internship in Architecture Program (IAP), Internationally Trained Professionals program (ITP) or Broadly Experienced Foreign Architect (BEFA).

10 hours


Public speaking engagements in a professional capacity for the purpose of informing others. Teaching preparation time is also eligible for unstructured learning hours.

25 hours

Professional Writing

A body of writing that has been prepared by the individual and is connected to the practice of architecture, which is shared with others through publication for the purpose of educating or informing others. Publications can be electronic or printed format, and should identify the author.

25 hours


Listening to audio books and podcasts, watching documentaries and videos, reading of books, periodicals, or journals related to the business or practice of architecture.

15 hours

Scholarly Research

Research that is conducted by the individual for the purpose of advancing information and knowledge generally of a specific matter related to the business of architecture and which will be used to educate or inform others, for example, through publication.

Note: Reading a book or article outside this definition is NOT considered Scholarly Research and must instead be entered in the Transcript as Multimedia.

45 hours


Participation in an organized and guided tour that supports or advances the practice of architecture.

15 hours

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