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Call for Webinar Proposals

Fall 2024

Do you want to present to Ontario’s architecture profession as part of the OAA’s weekly Continuing Education Webinar Series? The Association is currently seeking presenters for its popular virtual learning program on a variety of topics related to architecture, including subjects dealing with Climate Action and Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion.

Learn more about what is required by reading the Speaker Handbook. Then, share your concept by submitting a proposal through the Association’s online form before Monday,  September 30. (An honorarium, in the form of a cheque, will be provided to all chosen speakers.)

The Continuing Education Program reflects the Association’s dedication to promoting and increasing the knowledge, skill, and proficiency of its members, and administering the Architects Act in order to serve and protect the public interest. The current two-year cycle ends on June 30, 2026.

To learn more, contact the Continuing Education staff.



Continuing Education Staff 
t: 416.449.6898 Ext: 237 



OAA Webinar Series

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