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Volunteer for an OAA Committee in 2024

Submit Your Expression of Interest by October 20

Volunteers play a vital role in the work of the OAA, with a diversity of perspectives, expertise, skills, and knowledge critical to the decision-making process.

The OAA is currently welcoming applications for nine Committees with vacancies for the 2024–2026 term:

The Association recognizes the inherent benefit of equity, diversity, and inclusion. It actively encourages all members to participate in volunteer opportunities, and ensures that Committees represent the profession both now and in the future.

Those interested in serving on any of the following Committees are encouraged to complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to the appropriate OAA staff member listed by Friday, October 20.

Communications and Public Education Committee

The Communications & Public Education Committee (CPEC) provides oversight and advice on public education and outreach activities. Its focus is to advance the public’s understanding, appreciation, and recognition that architecture is integral to the quality of life and well-being of society as experienced through an inclusive, sustainable, resilient, and durable built environment.

CPEC monitors public outreach and education activities and provides input on how to engage with the broader community about the profession and the built environment, the Association’s role as a regulator, best practices for procurement, and other items related to the OAA’s Five-Year Strategic Plan.

Further, CPEC provides input and advice to Council with respect to specific aspects of the Local Architectural Societies, annual Conference, SHIFT Challenge, and Sponsorship and Awards Programs.

CPEC is looking for up to two new individuals to serve three-year terms, beginning January 2024. OAA members, Intern Architects, or Student Associates interested in joining the committee can complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Cynthia Mykytyshyn, Public Outreach Specialist, at


Complaints Committee

The Complaints Committee, established under the Architects Act, R.S.O. 1990, c. A. 26, s. 29, is a statutory body responsible for addressing and investigating complaints received from the public or Association members. These complaints pertain to the conduct, competency or actions of any OAA-licensed member, Certificate of Practice (CoP) holder, or Temporary Licence holder

The Complaints Committee meets as required, with the majority of meetings held via Zoom. For each matter under consideration, the committee is divided into panels. All panel members are expected to review the prepared case documents prior to the meeting and participate in deliberations. These deliberations determine if the case is to be dismissed, referred to the Discipline Committee, or receive remedial action, as appropriate. All Complaints Committee matters are strictly confidential. A full day of training is provided each year, and attendance at the training is mandatory.

The Complaints Committee is seeking OAA licensed members, with several years of experience in a broad range of architectural activities, willing to serve a three-year term that begins in January 2024. If you are interested in joining the committee, complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Leah Sweed in the Office of the Registrar at


Discipline Committee

The Discipline Committee is a statutory committee constituted in accordance with Section 33 of the Architect Act.  Its activities are governed by the Architects Act, Regulation 27, OAA Bylaws, OAA Council policies, and the Statutory Powers Procedure Act. As set out in the Architect Act, the function of Discipline Committee is to hear and determine allegations of professional misconduct or incompetence against a member of the Association or a holder of a Certificate of Practice (CoP) or temporary licence.

A committee panel is the impartial tribunal presiding over a hearing; it determines whether the member and/or practice is guilty of professional misconduct or incompetence. These tribunals meet as needed and do not hold regular meetings, but there is training by outside legal counsel to ensure all members are well-informed about the process.

The Act requires members of the Discipline Committee have a minimum of 10 years of experience in the practice of architecture post-licensure with the OAA. The Committee is looking for one new member to begin a three-year term in January 2024. If you are interested in joining the committee, complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Kristina Lam in the Office of the Registrar at


Experience Requirements Committee

The Experience Requirements Committee (ERC) is a statutory body established under Section 13 of the Architects Act. Its purpose is to evaluate the architectural experience of applicants ready to apply for licence. The ERC reviews applications upon request or referrals from the Registrar. 

The ERC has the authority to determine whether applicants have met the experience requirements prescribed by the Regulations for the issuance of the licence. These legislated requirements are designed to ensure applicants possess the necessary skills and knowledge to practise architecture in Ontario.

The committee is seeking three OAA members for a three-year term that begins in January 2024. Those interested can complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Camelia Bostan in the Office of the Registrar at


Finance & Audit Committee

The OAA’s Finance & Auditee Committee is a Standing Committee that oversees the development of the annual operating and capital budget for approval to Council, as well as the annual financial audit process. The Committee ensures sound accounting policies and internal controls are established and followed, and that the OAA issues balanced financial statements assessing its financial position. The Committee also allows for an appropriate level of participation by Council members in terms of the oversight of the OAA’s annual budgeting process to ensure ultimate responsibility for the financial governance of the OAA.

The Committee meets approximately four times a year and operates on a calendar basis, including meeting with the Association’s auditors twice a year.

There is a spot for one member to join the committee for a two-year term that begins in January 2024. If you are interested, complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Nancy Muir, Manager, Finance at


Interns Committee

The Interns Committee reports to the OAA Council on issues of importance to Intern Architects and Student Associates, especially those related to their integration into the profession and to improving the pathway to licensure. The committee also conducts research to provide support. It meets virtually or in-person at least six times throughout the year for approximately two hours. 

Current vacancies are open for three architects, one Intern Architect, and two Student Associates to begin their term in January 2024. Architects and Intern Architects serve a three-year term, while Student Associates serve a one-year term. Those interested in joining the committee can complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Lashmi Ollivierre in the Office of the Registrar at


Practice Resource Committee

The Practice Resource Committee (PRC) is a Standing Committee that reviews regulatory and business-related practice issues that impact day-to-day architectural practice. This includes material for Regulatory Notices, Practice Tips, and practice matters. Members are encouraged to author content based on their insight and experience (e.g. lessons learned that might be useful to their peers).

First-hand experience in a broad range of architectural practice activities provides the appropriate background for the work of the PRC. Six meetings a year are held at OAA Headquarters or virtually, with email correspondence and Zoom meetings occurring throughout the year as necessary.

The Practice Resource Committee also fulfils the role of the Practice Review Committee, which is required to oversee the administration of the OAA’s Practice Consultation Services program in accordance with Section 52 of Regulation 27 under the Architects Act.

The PRC has vacancies which become effective on January 2024. If you are interested, you can complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Mélisa Audet, Manager, Practice Advisory Services, at


Policy Advisory Coordination Team

The Policy Advisory Coordination Team (PACT) coordinates the means to address specific issues and concerns that are political in nature (i.e. requiring discussion with various levels of governments). PACT ensures fair and transparent conditions for architectural practices by identifying emerging issues, coordinating their advancement, and facilitating communication between OAA committees. Meeting six to eight times a year virtually or in-person, it identifies methods of gathering information about issues, advancing concerns and initiatives to governments and the membership.

PACT is currently seeking up two new members, of which one can be an Intern Architect. If you are interested in joining the committee, complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Sara Trotta, Manager of Policy and Government Relations, at


Registration Committee

The Registration Committee is a statutory committee constituted under Section 25 of the Architect Act and in accordance with Section 20 of the Regulation under the Architects Act. Activities are governed by the Architects Act, Regulation 27, OAA Bylaws, OAA Council policies, and the Statutory Powers Procedure Act. As set out in the Architects Act, where an applicant requires a hearing by the Registration Committee in accordance with Section 25, the Registration Committee shall appoint a time for, give notice of, and hold the hearing. An impartial panel of the committee presides over a registration hearing and determines whether the applicant meets the requirements and qualifications of the Act and the Regulations and will engage in the practice of architecture with competence and integrity.

The Registration Committee is seeking up to three OAA licensed members to join the Committee January 2024 for a three-year term. It meets as needed and does not hold regular meetings, however there is training by outside legal counsel to ensure Committee members are well informed about the process. If you are interested in joining, complete the Indication of Interest form and email it, along with a current CV, to Kristina Lam in the Office of the Registrar at
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