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Message From the President

Valued Member,

Accessibility, equity, diversity, and inclusivity are critical issues for the architecture profession, and are at the very foundation of why I ran for OAA Council and for President. Last year, at the Annual General Meeting (AGM), I spoke about the lack of Black and Indigenous members, and insisted on the addition of questions about experiences with discrimination to our Member Survey. The results we received indicated both the profession and the Association have much to improve. Since then, I have continued to lobby our membership on addressing these matters.

Recent events in Canada and the United States have brought this conversation into the consciousness of many who are only now starting to understand the importance of this mandate. Working with OAA membership, I want to continue propelling change in our organization and the broader profession of architecture. Now, while we are all focused on the importance of inclusivity and the destructive impact of discrimination, is the time to take action.

The OAA needs to expedite existing programs and complement them with new initiatives. We need to put the framework in place to ensure we maintain momentum. There is both collective and individual responsibility, and the onus is on each of us to do our part. This begins with architecture practices, large and small, ensuring both principals and employees take courses to genuinely understand the impact of our unconscious biases. (The OAA worked with the Canadian Centre for Diversity and Inclusion [CCDI] for its own training.) We need to ensure our hiring practices are non-discriminatory and work to remove systemic obstacles faced by both those who practise architecture and those on the path toward licensure.

At the Association level, better membership engagement is crucial to ensure we reflect the diversity that makes up Ontario. Council elections are coming this fall, and I ask those who feel they have been ignored or underrepresented to strongly consider running. If you’re not interested in running at this time, please look at the candidates up for election and challenge them with questions to ensure you vote for the right person.

Equity, diversity, and inclusivity continue to be the lenses through which we view all OAA priorities. We have added a new forum dedicated to these topics to the, a free message board for members, and I encourage you to take part. We are also exploring approaches to bursaries, scholarship, and recognition, as well as ways to better encourage representation among the volunteers on our committees. One example is the new Reconciliation Working Group, which seeks to decolonize architecture by examining the current professional regulatory landscape and considering actions the OAA might take toward the recommendations of the Truth and Reconciliation Commission.

Last week, we sent out an email to all those who hold status with the OAA, condemning anti-Black discrimination and encouraging people to email the Association and let us know how we can do better. We have been humbled by the thoughtful feedback we have received, including pointed criticism and sharing of personal experiences. Our Executive Committee meets this week, and our Council assembles on June 25. At both discussions, your feedback will be instrumental as we plot our way forward.

Thank you,

Kathleen Kurtin

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