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Council Highlights: March 2, 2023

Notes From the Recent Meeting

On March 2, OAA Council met in-person at the OAA Headquarters, with some members joining virtually over Zoom. Executive, Committee Chairs, and Association staff presented updates on various programs and activities, and decisions were made on a range of topics.


OAA Senior President & Treasurer Ted Wilson shared a memorandum from the Finance and Audit Committee regarding the Association’s 2022 audited financial statements as prepared by Grant Thornton. He explained the OAA is in a positive and strong financial position, with attention continuing to be paid to any needed safeguards against risk to strengthen financial processes. The Finance & Audit Committee has also set specific objectives around the allocation of surplus funds into the restricted reserve funds to ensure minimum goals are reached in an appropriate time frame.

Honorary Membership

At the virtual Annual General Meeting on May 3, members are able to vote on Honorary Membership for individuals outside the architecture profession who have nevertheless rendered significant and valuable service. Council has approved the two suggestions that came forth from the membership. Brian Masse (Member of Parliament for Windsor West) and Blaine Nicholls (supporter of Laurentian University’s McEwen School of Architecture) will now be eligible for consideration at the AGM for election as Honorary Members.


Committee News

Retired Architect  Jon Hobbs was appointed to the Communications and Public Education Committee (CPEC). Interns Committee Chair Farida Abu-Bakare presented an updated Terms of Reference and Annual Work Plan for the Committee, which considers internship-related matters, and matters related to the path to licensure consistent with the Architects Act, along with insight on how to best share this information.


Roundtable Discussion with Firms on EDI Best Practices

In fall 2021, Council approved 40 Recommendations presented by the now-sunset OAA Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion (EDI) and Truth and Reconciliation Working Group. All recommendations have been addressed with the exception of one. In response, Council is developing an event for the fall of 2023, encouraging firms to participate in a facilitated roundtable discussion on Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion at firms/practices.


TEUI 2.0 and TEDI Calculators

Council welcomed past Councillor Andy Thomson, who presented the beta versions of the new Total Energy Usage Intensity (TEUI) 2.0 calculator, and the new Total Energy Demand Intensity (TEDI) calculator, being developed for the membership and the public.

Thompson reviewed the functionality and output for the OAA’s existing TEUI calculator 1.0, which focuses on Part 9 buildings. More robust, TEUI 2.0 focuses on Part 3 buildings and offers drop-down menus for classification, area, compliance standards, and tiered building code options.

Both new calculators remain in the testing phase currently, with TEUI 2.0 looking to be ready for launch by the summer. The TEUI 2.0 will serve as an important tool for members in responding to the new building code in 2024.


Next Meeting

The final Council meeting for the year will take place at the OAA Headquarters on April 27. Its agenda and meeting package will be publicly posted on the OAA Website, and anyone interested in virtually attending the open session (which usually begins in early afternoon) should contact Tina Carfa for the link and additional information.
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