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Council Highlights: January 19, 2023

Notes From the First Meeting of the Year

On January 19, the OAA’s governing Council met for the first time this year, holding a hybrid meeting from the Association’s Headquarters in Toronto. The event included many returning Councillors (who were re-elected or continuing their term), along with new members Loloa Alkasawat and Thomas K.K. Yeung, as well as Ida Badre, who now holds the Intern Architect seat for a one-year term.

The meeting included the 2023 election of officers, with Settimo Vilardi acclaimed as the new President. (You can learn more by reading this online press release.) Joining Settimo on the Executive Committee are Senior Vice President & Treasurer Ted Wilson, Immediate Past-President Susan Speigel, and Vice Presidents Christina Karney and Kristiana Schuhmann.

Councillors discussed its response to the legal action launched by the Association of Architectural Technologists of Ontario (AATO). The email communication update to the membership can be read on the OAA Website.


Conference and Continuing Education Programming

Council was also excited to approve the slate of Continuing Education programming for the upcoming Conference, Designing for Dignity, in Sudbury on June 21 to 23. After a call for proposals in September 2022, a task group chaired by then Vice President Education Natasha Krickhan evaluated suggestions for technical talks and learning sessions. In addition to perspective from the Northern Ontario Society of Architects (NOSA), the group contemplated the following principles in making their recommendations:

• relevance to the Conference theme of “Designing for Dignity;”

• educational value through the lenses of practice of architecture;

• applicability of dealing with Indigenous communities;

• emphasis on working in Northern communities;

• focus on best business practices, sustainability, and procurement; and

• diversity in terms of technical, business, and special interest topics.

More specific information on these sessions and their speakers will be made available soon as the OAA shares how to register for the annual event.


Response to Legislative Changes to FARPACTA

Council also discussed possible impacts on the profession due to recent legislative changes to Fair Access to Regulated Professions and Compulsory Trades Act, 2006 (FARPACTA). As the regulator in protection of the public interest, the OAA takes very seriously its role in ensuring a safe built environment for Ontarians, while also being mindful of the critical need for an equitable, diverse, and inclusive profession strengthened by the involvement of those who have been trained or licensed outside the province.

The Association is seeking from the Office of the Fairness Commissioner (OFC) an exemption from a new prohibition against regulated professions requiring Canadian experience as a qualification for registration.


Next Meeting

OAA Council is meeting February 2 and 3 for its annual planning session, examining how this year’s initiatives fit within the Association’s five-year strategic plan. Its next regular meeting will take place on March 2 with its agenda and meeting information posted on the OAA Website. If you are interested in attending the open session, email the Association’s Tina Carfa.

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