Everyone is invited to the (Un)Common Precedents, the Agora II International Symposium, hosted by the Azrieli School of Architecture & Urbanism (ASAU).
This free public event is taking place at Carleton University from September 22 to 24, 2023.
This symposium will tackle some critical questions, which are at the core of practice: How do architects build a frame of reference? In architecture, what does the current approach to precedent study leave out? Which are the under-acknowledged and (un)common precedents that inspire architectural design in terms of diversity, culture and socio-political contexts?
There will be four keynotes, and thirty-three international speakers from 12 countries.
The keynote speakers are:
• Dr. Klaske Havik (TU Delft)
• Dr. Ken Albala (University of the Pacific)
• Architect Robert Lemon
• Dr. Jesse Stewart (Carleton University)
The Convenors of the event are Dr. Federica Goffi, Professor of Architecture, and PhD Candidates Isabel Potworowski and Kristin Washco.
More information about the event can be found on the Agora II website page.
Follow along on social media at @cripticollab on Instagram & Twitter.