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Sustainable Labs Canada Toronto Chapter - Knowledge & Networking Event

Designing the Self-Driving Lab of the Future: AI, Automation and the Acceleration of Research - University of Toronto's Lash Miller Chemistry Building Expansion

How do we decide what infrastructures are critical to future flexibility and scalability given limited information available today? How do designers identify system priorities and premiums that need to be baked into the design while preserving opportunities and differing capital required to make modifications in future? How do we proceed with only limited knowledge to make robust labs today for resilient labs tomorrow?

The objective of this presentation is to discuss how to plan and design for a radically new paradigm that is moving away from traditional bench top chemistry to integrated AI, machine learning, robotics and high throughput automation.

Highlights and Themes:
• $200M single largest Canada First Innovation Fund grant
• Science on Display – embodied ethos parallels open research
• Structural, Mechanical and Electrical approach to flexible lab planning

Sean M. Caffrey, PhD, Executive Director Acceleration Consortium
Brandon Sutherland, PhD, Director, Research Operations, Acceleration Consortium
Stig Mikkelsen, Architect, MAA, Founding Partner, CEO, Mikkelsen Architects
Liam Brown, M.Arch, OAA, NSAA, AANB, AIBC, MRAIC, PMP, Principal, mcCallumSather
Iyonne Rippie, PE, Associate, Mechanical Engineering, ARUP

Amanda Fics, M.Arch., Associate Principal, Cumulus Architects

SLCan Member: $ 110
Non Member:    $160

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