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Whose House is it Anyway? The Value of Engagement in Design

*This event will be occurring as a live webinar. Registrants will be emailed a link to access the program.*

What constitutes effective community engagement in an equitable and environmentally responsible architectural practice? What is the individual and collective work that design professionals need to take on in order to foster meaningful participation and genuine representation of the diverse communities they serve? Why is the intentional and informed use of community engagement at all scales critical to achieving genuine, just, and equitable sustainability? 

This panel brings together various perspectives to delve into the intersecting histories, concepts, and concerns that impact the integration of community engagement methods into architectural practice. Through critical discussion of how and to what effect architects engage the communities they intend to serve, panelists will offer valuable insight on how the profession might start to rethink existing conventions of community-based design to achieve desired results. 

Attendees will leave with a fuller understanding of the challenges and opportunities inherent in community engagement, and specific ideas for how they might start to prepare their firms and clients to do effective community engagement. We hope this discussion will motivate the profession to take active responsibility by doing the hard, ongoing work that is necessary to ensure that all projects meet the needs of the communities within which they are situated while promoting health, wellness, and prosperity for all.

Bryony Roberts, Founder, Bryony Roberts Studio 

Javier Lopez (he/him), Chief Strategy Officer, Red Hook Initiative (RHI)
Chris Rice, Associate, WXY Studio
Daphany Rose Sanchez (she/ella) Executive Director, Kinetic Communities 


General Public: $10

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