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TSA CONNECT 2023 | Session 3: Volunteering

The Toronto Society of Architects is hosting a professional networking and mentorship event celebrating volunteerism in Toronto’s architecture and design community.

Come join the TSA for a night of networking and relationship building as Featured Guests share their stories and advice as active volunteers in our community: from what motivates them to volunteer to how they balance their work, family, and volunteering obligations. These Featured Guests represent a wide variety of volunteer roles and organizations, making this the perfect opportunity to get to know the many organizations working to make our industry and city better for all and how you can get involved.

If you are looking to get more involved and meet some of the amazing volunteers making a difference in our community, this is the event for you!

Event Schedule:
6:30 PM Doors Open
7:00 - 8:00 PM Structured Networking Sessions
8:00 - 9:00 PM Mix and Mingle

Light refreshments will be served and a cashless cash bar will be available (debit, credit, Apple Pay, or Google Pay only).

Featured Guests:
This diverse lineup of guests includes professionals in the architecture and design community who volunteer with a wide variety of industry organizations, from non-profits to heritage organizations, regulators to advocacy groups and municipal committees.
Afsaneh Asayesh, Becoming Architects Canada (BAC-DAC)
Aman Yousuf, Society of South Asian Architects, Canada (SOSA)
Anna Richter, Canadian Architectural Certification Board (CACB)
Barbora Vokac-Taylor, Toronto Society of Architects (TSA)
Carolyn Fearman, Urban Land Institute (ULI) Toronto
Diana Nigmatullina, DesignTO
Drew Hauser, Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC)
Elisia Neves, Waterloo Alumni Association
Greg Parsons, Design Industry Advisory Committee (DIAC)
Guela Solow, Vaughan Design Review Panel
Jasper Skinner, Urban Minds
Jennifer Esposito, Building Equality in Architecture Toronto (BEAT)
Julia Rady, Toronto Preservation Board
Karl van Es, Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)
Michael Leckman, Design Review Panel of Toronto
Natasha H. Krickhan, Ontario Association of Architects (OAA)
Ossie Airewele, Urban Land Institute (ULI) Toronto
Quan Thai, Toronto Society of Architects (TSA)
Sabrina Carinci, Association of Registered Interior Designers of Ontario (ARIDO)
Sandra Iskandar, Friends of the Peel Art Gallery, Museum and Archives
Stephanie Mah, Architectural Conservancy of Ontario (ACO), Toronto Branch

Visit the TSA's website to learn more about each Featured Guest.

$15+HST General Admission, Free for TSA Members

About the TSA CONNECT Series:
Join the Toronto Society of Architects for evenings of networking and relationship building as featured guests from Toronto’s architecture and design industry share their experiences, perspectives and advice on issues of practice, career, and life. Each session will feature new guests, topics and small group discussions, giving participants the opportunity to ask questions and form connections with our Featured Guests. Sessions, guests, and dates are announced in the TSA Bulletin as they are confirmed with limited tickets for each session, so make sure to sign up so you don’t miss out!



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