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TSA Community Shorts Panel l Thesis

Includes Playlist and 2 Panel Discussions

With TIFF in the air, September is Toronto’s unofficial film month — a time to celebrate and explore how we see and share the world through the art of movie-making. Joining in on the festivities, this month’s TSA Playlist is extra special, shining the limelight on shorts made by members of our architecture and design community as they responded to the prompt: What stories does our built environment tell? How can film help us understand the places we inhabit?

So grab your popcorn and come join us for this month-long movie-making celebration!

Panel Discussions 

What would a film festival experience be without panel discussions and behind-the-scenes talks with the filmmakers?

For this month’s playlist, we have organized two virtual panel discussions with filmmakers to hear their perspectives on the opportunities, challenges, and potential of film to help tell and develop architectural narratives. Panel discussions will be held via zoom, as well as live-streamed on Facebook live! Click on the links below to RSVP and check out the playlist to view the films prior to the discussion! 

The Playlist 

This month’s cinematic showcase includes shorts produced by students, designers, architects, artists, and filmmakers sorted into three distinct but interconnected categories.

Ready to watch? Here’s how it works:

  • Click and Play: Click on the thumbnails below to watch the shorts hosted on the filmmaker’s own pages (it’s like digital gallery hopping!).
  • Limited Time: Some films are only available until September 30 at 11:59 PM as part of this showcase – so make sure to catch all of them before the end of the month
  • Access Codes: Other films are available exclusively for this showcase, so you’ll need a password to access them. Use the code tsaplaylist to gain access!

Ok, now on with the show!

Take 1 | Architecture and Context

From Toronto to Portugal, Tokyo to the Kawarthas, this category looks at the relationship between buildings and their context -— physical, socio-economic, cultural — and how they shape and inform each other. Ranging from works that chronicle the changing built environment over time, to narrative-driven films exploring the relationship between buildings, occupants, and landscape, the films in this category capture idiosyncratic qualities that make each locale unique and architecture that responds, shapes or reflects it.

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