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SVN Sponsors Grant Program for Park(ing) Day Toronto - Apply Now

Park(ing) Day is a global event that takes place annually on the third weekend of September. Around the world, people temporarily repurpose parking spaces to create pop-up parks and other public spaces for art, play, and activism. The event draws attention to the need for improving access and quantity of public open spaces in densely populated urban areas as well as the need for these spaces to provide social and environmental engagement. The goal of Park(ing) Day is to celebrate the use of urban public space for people and challenge the dominance of the automobile in cities.

This year, Park(ing) Day Toronto will take place from Friday, September 20 – Sunday, September 22, 2024

Host Your Own Park(ing) Day Activation
This year, we have partnered with Dubbeldam Architecture + Design, Arup Canada, DTAH, and MASSIVart to create the Park(ing)Day Grants Program to encourage more activations throughout the city. We are offering financial support to community groups, non-profit organizations, and individuals interested in transforming parking spaces into temporary public places on Park(ing)Day.


To get involved:

Register your Park(ing) Day activation here to let us know you'll be participating.

Apply for a grant to help turn your ideas into reality. More information on the grant can be found here. The deadline to apply is August 25, 2024.

Get creative. Follow @parkingday_Toronto on Instagram for for inspiration and the latest on the event.

For more information, visit


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