Start Time: 2024/Jul/10 7:30 PM
End Time: 2024/Jul/10 9:30 PM
Location/City: Granite Brewery & Tied House, 245 Eglinton Ave E, Toronto, ON, M4P3B7
Author: NotWorking to Networking
Ready for another exciting season of weekly meetups full of connections, professional growth, and community? NotWorking to Networking (N2N) is a not-for-profit organization that hosts fun weekly industry-specific meetups (in Spanish) for Latin professionals in Canada who want to expand their network and help others in the process. Since January 2021, they've organized 100+ meetups and helped thousands of Latin professionals secure interviews, internships, and full-time jobs! Each meetup is industry specific and always includes a mix of: - Employed Latinos - Latinos looking for a job
IG: @notworking2networking