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Engaging Change: A Discussion on Anti-Black Racism

The event will draw on the experiences of each panelist and what they have seen as systemic racism in the industry. 

Areas of discussion will include unconscious bias in a professional practice, systemic racism through the education of architecture and design, and black female representation within the industry.

While the news has been shining a negative light on terrible events that have happened, we hope to create a positive yet balanced approach around a discussion about black representation in the AEC industry and educate the leaders of tomorrow.

As there have been a couple ULI events around BLM there haven’t been as many from a consultant side. 

Quadrangle hopes to be a leader in raising awareness with this event and have a discussion around the framework for the much needed change towards this social issue.

Sam Oboh
- Vice President, Ensight+ Architecture


Cheryl Case

Urban Planner (previously spoke at Food for Thought) CP Planning

Naki Osutei
Associate VP of Social Impact – TD Bank , Naki will be coming from a side that isn’t directly design related and how unconscious bias can live in all professions

Camille Mitchell
Architect at Gensler, VP at BAIDA (black architects and interior designers) Camille will bring her experience from an education standpoint as she is now working with the school of architecture at Waterloo to help bring systemic racism to light in their curriculum

Ossie Airewele
Design architect at Quadrangle, Ossie will be bringing his personal experience of working coming from the UK to Canada

If you have any questions, please contact Sarah Anthon at

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