The suite of OAA Contracts are organized numerically: OAA 600 – Long form contract to be used between an OAA Certificate of Practice holder and a client OAA 800 – Short form...
The OAA supports the use of industry standard documents. The use of standard documents allows the parties to concentrate on project specific issues rather than boilerplate sections. To that end, the...
The OAA supports the use of industry standard documents. The use of standard documents allows the parties to concentrate on project specific issues rather than boilerplate sections. To that end...
The OAA supports the use of industry standard documents. The use of standard documents allows the parties to concentrate on project specific issues without having to worry about boilerplate sections...
To ensure the future of the architecture profession, everyone must play a key role in the Intern Architect’s successful completion of the IAP. By engaging in and passing on years of valued experience...
“A Guide to Determining Appropriate Fees for the Services of an Architect” was developed by the Royal Architectural Institute of Canada (RAIC) as a resource to help guide a fair exchange of value in...
Check out the OAA store to review our selection of contracts, contract seals, documents and guides to assist with your project. Available to OAA members and non-members. Order here.