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The suite of OAA Contracts are organized numerically: OAA 600 – Long form contract to be used between an OAA Certificate of Practice holder and a client OAA 800 – Short form...

Issue Date:2024/Dec/20

This comprehensive index provides a compilation of the Council's policies, offering a valuable reference for Council, members, and individuals seeking information on specific governance regulations...

The OAA supports the use of industry standard documents. The use of standard documents allows the parties to concentrate on project specific issues rather than boilerplate sections. To that end, the...

The OAA supports the use of industry standard documents. The use of standard documents allows the parties to concentrate on project specific issues rather than boilerplate sections. To that end, the...

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OAA Contract Suite

Did you know the OAA offers free contracts for its members and the general public? These downloadable standardized contracts make it easier for all to enter into fair, balanced business relationships.