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Election Procedures

The election system for OAA Council members is a multi-step process that begins on the first Monday in October when nominations open and continues until the fourth Monday of November when the election closes. Below is a step by step guide to the process.


October 7–28, 2024

During the nomination period, potential candidates must be nominated by three members (excluding themselves) whose address of record is in the same electoral district. Candidates can only be nominated in one electoral district. 

Any eligible member can nominate a candidate who has an address of record in Ontario for the Province of Ontario electoral district (when this seat is available).  

Nominations are done through the Nominations Forms delivered via email on the first Monday of October. The forms must be completed and returned by the fourth Monday of October. To ensure you receive your Nominations Forms, we encourage you to visit our FAQ page prior to the nomination period. 
Once the election platform has verified to the Registrar that an individual has completed their nomination ballot and been nominated by three confirmed members (nominators) within their electoral district by the deadline, the results are confirmed and the individual becomes a candidate for that seat in Council. Candidate statements will be posted on the OAA Website.


November 11–25, 2024

The election period runs for two weeks and uses electronic ballots. To ensure you receive your ballot, we encourage you to visit our FAQ page prior to the election. 

Electronic ballots will be emailed on the second Monday of November and must be completed and returned by the fourth Monday of November.

A member may vote in the electoral district where they have an address of record; all members may vote for a candidate in the Province of Ontario Electoral District (when this seat is available).


November 25– December 1, 2024

Once the election period closes, two members of the Association are appointed by the Registrar to act as scrutineers. 

Ballots are counted within three days of the election, after which the Registrar certifies and advises the membership of the election results.

In the rare case when two or more candidates get the same number of votes, the scrutineers determine the outcome by drawing lots.

When the number of candidates nominated in an electoral district equal the number of vacancies in that electoral district, they will be considered elected by acclamation.


Within 20 days of the results being released


A candidate may request a recount within 20 days of the results being released to the membership. The recount request must be sent to the Registrar along with a $500 deposit.
The Registrar presides over the recount and decides if ballots are accepted or rejected. Candidates or their agents may be present for the recount, and ties are settled by drawing lots.
The recount must be conducted within 30 days of receiving the request. Once the date is set, the Registrar must give 15 days written notice to all candidates in that electoral district. The candidate’s deposit is returned if the recount changes the result of the election.
If no recount has been requested, the ballots are destroyed 21 days after the results are released.

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