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Susan Speigel

Hello everyone,

My name is Susan Speigel and I am running for my last term on OAA Council.

I have been practicing architecture for 30 years.

It is funny to say 'practice', but Architecture is a big umbrella under which you can do so many different built AND cultural projects, the OAA is one of those projects where I have been actively working in the 'trenches' of practice while having an affect at Policy tables.

Almost 100% of my Studio’s work is in the Non-Profit Sector, in what the 2021 Pritzker Prize winners, Ann Lacatan and Jean-Philippe Vassal have termed RESTORATIVE ARCHITECTURE –‘ respect for the inherited and a quest to act responsibly in the present – for the planet’.

That loosely quoted thought is why I feel the need to complete my time on Council.

There are so many issues facing us in the world and as architects that I want to push forward new ideas while concluding some of the projects that are dear to my heart at the OAA.

To list a few:

  • QBE – Quality in the Built Environment 5 year research project cross Cananda – which you will be hearing much more about – the OAA is an important Partner – and I am a very engaged representative

  • Welcoming youth into the profession and onto Council while having the continuity of the experience and wisdom of a retiring Generation

I love working on Council Committees and been on many.

I was the President during the Pandemic years.

Presently, I am VP and Chair of the Policy and Government Relations Committee (OAA).

I have been Faculty at GBC for 15 years – I am very interested in education that I get to work on that at the OAA on ConEd and Conference.

My passion for the CULTURE OF DESIGN is how Architecture can have a positive affect on people and life.

I hope that you will find me a worthy Candidate to serve another Term on OAA Council.

Thank you!

Video Candidate Statement 

LinkedIn Profile - Susan Speigel


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